ZEUS Data Preservation project at Max-Planck Institut für Physik
ZEUS Monte Carlo events reconstruction
In 2013, a standalone package that performs the reconstruction of Monte Carlo events
was composed from the existing ZEUS software.
The package is called ZMCSP (ZEUS Monte Carlo Standalone Package) and can be used for the reconstruction
of ZEUS Monte Carlo simulated events in many environments in DESY and outside e.g. on the Grid.
The package can be found here https://zeus-files.mpp.mpg.de/software/images/software/zmcsp.
The usage of the package is extreamely simple:
Download the package, e.g.
On the Virtual Machine the package can be found under /usr/share/zmcsp/zmcsp-SA-1.0.tgz
Unpack it:
tar xvzf zmcsp-0.1402.tgz
Run the reconstruction with the unzipped input file:
./run.sh 8iq819.h22795.8b.her_php_dir_9899e_015 1000 5000
Here 1000 stands for the number of events in a subjob and 5000 for the total number events in the file.
The resulting Common Ntuples togather with log files will be stored in directory output.
ZEUS Monte Carlo events reconstruction on a larger scale
Passing the Monte Carlo simulated events trought the detector simulation is very resourse consuming task.
One of the possible solutions is to utilize local batch computing systems, e.g. National Analysis Facility (BIRD cluster) in DESY
or Grid to perform the simulations fast and efficient.
To do so, one should make the generator files available for National Analysis Facility (BIRD cluster) or Grid and start BIRD or Grid jobs that perform the reconstruction.
A typical job will do the same steps as described above:
Download the input.
Download the software for reconstruction, i.e. th ZMCSP package.
Run the reconstruction and upload the resulting ROOT and PAW Common Ntuples to some external location.
Please look at ZEUS-MC-grid-main.sh, the main script performing this tasks on Grid.
As usual, physical analysis requires the number of reconstructed events of order of millions, which implies
the number of reconstruction jobs of order of thousands. To automate the reconstruction process, a set of shell scripts can be utilized.
An example of the list of input files is given below
ZEUS Monte Carlo samples documentation
Please, don't forget to provide the documentation for your Monte Carlo samples.
The documentation should include a full description of the physics plugged into the
used generator.
An example of dicumentation for a Monte Carlo sample can be found here.
A mandaratory part of the documentation is a data base file for CNINFO utility.
An example how to produce such a database is described in the chapter ZEUS analysis software.