ZEUS Data Preservation project at Max-Planck Institut für Physik
ZEUS Monte Carlo events generation with old generators
This is a step-by-step instruction to produce ZEUS simulated events in ADAMO
format using existing, compiled executables. As of 2016 most contemporary
Linux systems can be used, but it is not foreseen for the future. It is
likely that in the future it will be possible to produce Monte Carlo events in this way only on a virtual
machine with Scientific Linux 6 or compatible.
This is NOT a recomented option to produce Monte Carlo events.
Find the generator excutable that you need. Particularly the officially compliled generators can be found here:
or in the /usr/bin on the Virtual Machines.
[zeus@mpp-dphep-CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511 ~]$ ls /usr/bin/amadeus_*
/usr/bin/amadeus_diffvm20.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_djangoh16.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_hexf40.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_pythia6221.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_qcdins200.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_ridi20.exe
/usr/bin/amadeus_dipsi25.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_herwig6504.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_lqmgen11.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_pythia6416.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_rapgap20818.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_susana20.exe
/usr/bin/amadeus_djangoh13.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_herwig6510.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_pythia57.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_pythia6416lha.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_rapgap30.exe /usr/bin/amadeus_susygen30.exe
[zeus@mpp-dphep-CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511 ~]$
Therefore, you have your excutable, for instance amadeus_herwig6510.exe.
Please note that many MC samples (e.g. CDMMC)
were generated with custom executables.
If you need the executables that were actually used ( in the case for CDMMC sample it is
contact the authors of the samples.
In addition to the executable you will need two GAF files: zdd_load.rz and cnd/CND_GLOBAL.RZ.
Those can be found on /afs. On the Virtual Machine these are installed under /usr/share/zmcsp/thegafs
[zeus@mpp-dphep-CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511 ~]$ find /usr/share/zmcsp/thegafs/
[zeus@mpp-dphep-CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511 ~]$
and the environment variables ZEUS_GAF and ZEUS_CAT points to them. Don't forget to comment out appropriete lines in your control cards (ZDIN-PATH).
Some systems are missing the shared fortran 32-bit library libgfortran.so.3. It can be found in the internet. The Virtual Machine has it installed
Finaly you have to prepare your steering cards. Normally one can find good examples of those in the documentation of previously generated samples
(e.g. pythia_andrii_excharm_DECC.cards).
It is recommended to produce smaller MC files, with 2-3k MC events.
The next step is to prepare the random seeds for AMADEUS, setup the environment, make proper links and run the AMADEUS.
It is better to do with a script that will be executed in the directory that contains everything:
#!/bin/sh -f
#We check if all libraries are avaible
ldd $EXE
chmod +x $EXE
# Here random seeds generation begins
a=$(date +%N )
echo $CARD
rm -f fort.7
rm -f fort.11
rm -f fort.9
rm -f fort.10
let "number=number/$RANGE"
sleep $number
b=$(date +%N)
rm -f amadeus.rndm
echo $a $b > amadeus.rndm
#<- Here is random seed generation ends. We wrote the seeds to amadeus.rndm
ln -s particle.data fort.9
cp $CARD".cards" fort.7
ln -s amadeus.rndm fort.10
$EXE > output_$EXE.log
#It is the output we need
mv output output_$EXE