ZEUS Data Preservation project at Max-Planck Institut für Physik
How to get and use Grid certificate
The exact procedure of getting the Grid certificate depends on the location/country/affiliation/etc.
The procedure is often describen on the institute's site, but here is a list of some shortcuts
for CERN employees,
for DESY employees,
for many German institute members (e.g. MPCDF and Max-Plank Institutes),
for Israel institute members (e.g. Weizmann and TAU),
for Polish institutes members (e.g. IFJ),
for Ukrainian institute members (e.g. KINR and KNU) and
for UK institute members (e.g. Uni Glasgow).
After getting the certificate, one has to
become ZEUS Grid Virtual Organisation member visiting the following page:
and click the button "request membership".
After getting the certificate in the browser (p12 certificate), it is necessary to back it up on the disk and convert it to
pem certificate. The detailed instructions can be found in many places.
For instance, the DESY users can use the instructions from http://grid.desy.de/certs/ and
With the pem certificate it is possible to generate Grid proxy, a temporary
variant of the certificate that will be used to access the data.
[someusername@pal45]~% voms-proxy-init -voms zeus -valid 300:00
Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=MPPMU/CN=Andrii Verbytskyi
Creating temporary proxy .................................................. Done
Contacting grid-voms.desy.de:15112 [/C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=host/grid-voms.desy.de] "zeus" Done
Warning: grid-voms.desy.de:15112: The validity of this VOMS AC in your proxy is shortened to 691200 seconds!
Creating proxy ............................ Done
Your proxy is valid until Mon Apr 6 20:04:44 2015
For the successfull creation of the proxy
properly installed site certificates are needed as well
grid user certificate and a membership of Grid Virtual Organisation that is supported
by the site you want to access(zeus,hone or opal for DESY and RZG).
The create grid proxy can be found and verified with
voms-proxy-info command.
[someusername@pal45]~% voms-proxy-info -all
subject : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=MPPMU/CN=Andrii Verbytskyi/CN=proxy
issuer : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=MPPMU/CN=Andrii Verbytskyi
identity : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=MPPMU/CN=Andrii Verbytskyi
type : proxy
strength : 1024 bits
path : /tmp/x509up_u15419
timeleft : 299:59:22
=== VO zeus extension information ===
VO : zeus
subject : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=MPPMU/CN=Andrii Verbytskyi
issuer : /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=host/grid-voms.desy.de
attribute : /zeus/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft : 191:59:22
uri : grid-voms.desy.de:15112
The proxy file, in this case
can be copied and used elsewhere, e.g. on the Virtual Machine.
To use the proxy file, copy it via ssh to the Virtual Machine and on the Virtual Machine
[zeus@mpp-dphep-CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511 ~]$ export X509_USER_PROXY=/path/to/the proxy/file