ZEUS Data Preservation project at Max-Planck Institut für Physik
ZEUS data access
The ZEUS data is preserved in multiple copies. See the statistics
in chapter
ZEUS data format: Common Ntuples.
In the beginning of 2016 the data is available from:
RZG storage element
To access the data in this as in 1) 2) 3), a Grid certificate is needed. From the Grid certificate a Grid proxy should be created (see How to get and use Grid certificate for details)
and copied to the machine from which the data will be accessed. To make aware the system about the proxy, the environment variable
X509_USER_PROXY should be set:
[zeus@mpp-dphep-CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511 ~]$ export X509_USER_PROXY=/path/to/the/proxy/file
- via dcap (from ANY machine worldwide, a valid grid proxy is needed), e.g.
[someusername@pal42]/tmp% dccp -A -H gsidcap://grid-srm.rzg.mpg.de:22128/pnfs/rzg.mpg.de/data/zeus/z/ntup/05/v08b/mc/ntp/zeusmc.hdsnr25.f17150.lfres.e2005.j.et3.08702.ntp.gz /tmp/test.ntp.gz
[######################################################################################] 100% 368 MiB (16.7 MiB/s)
386314922 bytes (368 MiB) in 23 seconds (16.0 MiB/s)
- via gsiftp (from ANY machine worldwide, a valid grid proxy is needed), e.g.
[someusername@pal42]/tmp% uberftp grid-gftp2.rzg.mpg.de "cd /pnfs/rzg.mpg.de/data/zeus/z/ntup/05/v08b/mc/ntp; get zeusmc.hdsnr25.f17150.lfres.e2005.j.et3.08702.ntp.gz "
220 GSI FTP door ready
200 PASS command successful
zeusmc.hdsnr25.f17150.lfres.e2005.j.et3.08702.ntp.gz: 386314922 bytes in 6.39 seconds. 60446.14 KB/sec
- gfalFS mount (from ANY machine worldwide, gfalFS plugins should be installed), e.g.
[someusername@io ~]$ mkdir zeus
[someusername@io ~]$ gfalFS ./zeus davs://grid-dav.rzg.mpg.de:2880//zeus
[someusername@io ~]$ ls zeus
CNINFO_mysql.sql CNINFO_sqlite3.db CNINFO_txt.txt jade MPISP-CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-DVD.iso z zeus
[someusername@io ~]$
- webdav (from ANY machine worldwide, a valid grid proxy is needed), e.g.
[someusername@mppui2 tmp]$ wget --no-check-certificate https://grid-dav.rzg.mpg.de:2880/zeus/z/ntup/07p/v08b/mc/ntp/zeusmc.hfix628.e2421.py64.y05_1494.ntp.gz
--2015-03-02 15:02:07-- https://grid-dav.rzg.mpg.de:2880/zeus/z/ntup/07p/v08b/mc/ntp/zeusmc.hfix628.e2421.py64.y05_1494.ntp.gz
Resolving grid-dav.rzg.mpg.de...
Connecting to grid-dav.rzg.mpg.de||:2880... connected.
WARNING: cannot verify grid-dav.rzg.mpg.de’s certificate, issued by “/C=DE/O=DFN-Verein/OU=DFN-PKI/CN=DFN-Verein PCA Grid - G01”:
Unable to locally verify the issuer’s authority.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://dcache03.t2.rzg.mpg.de:24597/pnfs/rzg.mpg.de/data/zeus/z/ntup/07p/v08b/mc/ntp/zeusmc.hfix628.e2421.py64.y05_1494.ntp.gz?dcache-http-uuid=59382b4f-365c-4d0f-a29a-fe0e897d36d7 [following]
--2015-03-02 15:02:07-- http://dcache03.t2.rzg.mpg.de:24597/pnfs/rzg.mpg.de/data/zeus/z/ntup/07p/v08b/mc/ntp/zeusmc.hfix628.e2421.py64.y05_1494.ntp.gz?dcache-http-uuid=59382b4f-365c-4d0f-a29a-fe0e897d36d7
Resolving dcache03.t2.rzg.mpg.de...
Connecting to dcache03.t2.rzg.mpg.de||:24597... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 384771689 (367M)
Saving to: “zeusmc.hfix628.e2421.py64.y05_1494.ntp.gz”
100%[==================================================================================================================>] 384,771,689 387M/s in 0.9s
2015-03-02 15:02:08 (387 MB/s) - “zeusmc.hfix628.e2421.py64.y05_1494.ntp.gz” saved [384771689/384771689]
[someusername@mppui2 tmp]$
- via nfs4 mount (RZG machines), e.g.
[andriish@mppui2 ~]$ ls -lah /p/MPP/DPHEP/zeus/z/ntup/00p/v07a/data/logs/data_00_37034_37034_02.logs.tgz
-r-------- 1 andriish mpp 1.5M Feb 4 05:35 /p/MPP/DPHEP/zeus/z/ntup/00p/v07a/data/logs/data_00_37034_37034_02.logs.tgz
[andriish@mppui2 ~]$
- DESY Data Preservation storage element
- via nfs4 mount (only from nafhh-zeus01, nafhh-zeus02 machines and BIRD cluster), e.g.
[nafhh-zeus01] ~ $ time cp /pnfs/desy.de/dphep/online/zeus/z/ntup/00p/v07a/data/logs/data_00_37034_37034_02.logs.tgz /tmp
cp /tmp 0.00s user 0.01s system 51% cpu 0.025 total
[nafhh-zeus01] ~ $
You can also scp the files to another machine.
To access ZEUS data one should use one of the following options:
DESY ZEUS account to access the data in DESY. Contact the ZEUS spokesperson and later DESY IT to apply for it.
RZG account to access the data in RZG. Contact the ZEUS spokesperson and later RZG to apply for it.
Grid proxy and ZEUS VO membership to access the data worldwide.
The details on the obtaining Grid certificate and ZEUS VO membership are given in chapter