PAW Common Ntuples v06 Variables

Block: Event
Runnr integer RUN number
Eventnr integer EVENT number
Weight real EVENT Weight
Block: TakeInfo
Evtake integer 0/1 - rejected/accepted by evtake21
Evtake_iwant integer 0/1/2 - iwant value from evtake21
Mvdtake integer 0/1 - rejected/accepted by Mvdtake21
Stttake integer 0/1 - rejected/accepted by Stttake21
Tpoltake integer 0/1 - rejected/accepted by Tpoltake21
Lpoltake integer 0/1 - rejected/accepted by Lpoltake21
Fmutake integer 0/1/<1 - rejected/accepted/doubtful by Fmutake
2 - do not use fmu trigger
Mbtake integer 0/1/<1 - rejected/accepted/doubtful by Mbtake
Tag6take integer >0/<0 accepted/problematic by SIXMTAKE
Itrig integer used to store various trigger and correction flags
= ITRIG*100000 + IRCALIR
ITRIG: flag extracted from trigger version string
(runlist-200X.txt from Yuji's GFLT web page)
ITRIG = 1: HIGH or HIGH_XX (XX = FL, ISR, ..., 07 only)
= "HIGH" Funnel version
ITRIG = 2: LOW or NOTTV or LOW_XX (XX = FL, ISR, ..., 07 only)
or FL_LER (07 only) or ***??? FL_ONLY (07 only)
= "LOW" Funnel version
ITRIG = 3: LTRKV (03/04 only)
= "LTRKV" Funnel version
ITRIG = 4: SIGTOT_FL (07 only, mainly LER)
do not use with standard funnel version
ITRIG = 5: SIGMATOT (07 only, mainly HER)
do not use with standard funnel version
IRCALIR = 1 for runs with RCALIR problem
= 0 otherwise (see talk A.G., NC task force)
Block: Trigger
Fltw(2) integer FLT before prescale (slots 0-63) = O1SubT_Subtrg(1:2)
Fltpsw(2) integer FLT after prescale (slots 0-63) = O1EvnT_Subtrg(1:2)
Fltfl integer fast clear bits = O1Evnt_FLTf1
Gslt_global integer SLT Global word (32 bits) = O2DEC_Triggertype
jbit(Gslt_global,3) = 1 if event was accepted
by veto filter
jbit(Gslt_global,10-12) passthrough for 95-97
Sltw(6) integer SLT 1st-6th word (32 bits each) after prescale
jbit(Sltw(1),k) =
<=2000 k = 1 -10 : HFL01 - HFL10
<=2000 k = 13-17 : MUO01 - MUO05
>2000 k = 1 -21 : HFL01 - HFL21
>2000 k = 22-29 : MUO01 - MUO08
jbit(Sltw(2),k) = Vetos
k = 1 : Empty
k = 2 : RCAL
k = 3 : UP-DN
k = 4 : Spark
k = 5 : F-RCAL
k = 6 : E-Pz
k = 7 : FCAL
k = 8 : Spark2
k = 9 : F-RCAL2
jbit(Sltw(3),k) =
k = 1 -32 : Passthrough
jbit(Sltw(4),k) =
k = 1 -29 : GTT01 - GTT29
jbit(Sltw(5),k) =
k = 1 -12 : SPP01 - SPP12
k = 13-19 : HPP01 - HPP07
k = 25-26 : SPP13 - SPP14
jbit(Sltw(6),k) =
k = 1 - 9 : DIS01 - DIS09
k = 13-28 : EXO01 - EXO16
Sltupw(6) integer SLT 1st-6th word before prescale
Tltw(15) integer TLT first to 15th words.
jbit(Tltw(1),k) =
k= 2 = CAL spark veto
7 = CAL time veto
8 = Cosmic muon veto
9 = Muon with track through interaction region
10 = Halo muon veto
13 = No tracking because too many SL5 hits
14 = No tracking due to VCTRAK error
20 = CAL Transmission Error
21 = GSLT passthrough event
22 = TLT passthrough event
23 = selected by TLT sampling filter
jbit(Tltw(j),k) =
filter j bit k fired (k.le.16)
filter j bit k-16 fired after prescale (
j = 3 SPP 1-16
j = 4 DIS 1-16
j = 5 HPP 1-16
j = 6 EXO 1-16
j = 7 MUO
j = 8 VTX
j = 9 HFM 1-16, (SAP for <=2000)
j = 10 HFL 1-16
j = 11 DIS 17-32
j = 12 HPP 17-32
j = 13 EXO 17-32
j = 14 HFL 17-32
j = 15 HFM 17-32
Dstw(4) integer DST bits 0 to 127
DST bit b = jbit(Dstw(1+b/32),1+mod(b,32))
Fltpsfcw(2) integer FLT bits after prescale, after fast clear= O1EvnT_Subtrg(3:4)
Block: GFLT_onl
Flt_cal_e integer CAL_E (online/funnel info)
Flt_cal_emc integer CAL_EMC_E
Flt_cal_et_fbp integer CAL_ET_FBP
Flt_cal_fbp_ovf integer CAL_FBP_OVF
Flt_bcal_emc integer BCAL_EMC_E
Flt_rcal_emc integer RCAL_EMC_E
Flt_remcth integer REMCth
Flt_fcal_tote integer FCAL_TOTAL_E
Flt_trk_cl integer TRK CLASS
Flt_trk_mlt integer TRK multiplicity
Flt_lumi_ee integer LUMI_EE
Flt_lumi_eg integer LUMI_EG
Flt_et integer CAL_Et
Flt_emiss integer CAL_Emiss
Flt_fcal_ebp integer FCAL_EBP
Flt_fcal_oebp integer FCAL_E_OUT_BP
Flt_risoe integer OR of RCAL04, 05, 06, 07 isoe
Flt_risoe4 integer RCAL04_isol_e
Flt_risoe5 integer RCAL05_isol_e
Flt_risoe6 integer RCAL06_isol_e
Flt_risoe7 integer RCAL07_isol_e
Flt_bisoe integer OR of BCAL08-15 isoe
Flt_fisoe integer OR of FCAL00-03 isoe
Flt_gtrk integer FLT good track = (flag1 or flag2 or flag3)
Flt_trk_vmult integer FLT vertex-fitted track multiplicity
Block: GSLT_onl
Slt_et real Et (online/funnel info)
Slt_et_1ir real Et in 1st FCAL IR
Slt_et_2ir real Et in 2nd FCAL IR
Slt_emnpz real E-Pz
Slt_pzove real Pz/E
Slt_vtx_z real VTX_Z
Slt_slf integer slf - number of tracks
Slt_slu integer slu - number of "vertex" tracks
Slt_pt12 real SltPt(1)+SltPt(2) (Sum_Pt of 2 highest Pt tracks)
Slt_etotfcal real CCGSUM_ETotalFCal
Slt_etotbcal real CCGSUM_ETotalBCal
Slt_etotrcal real CCGSUM_ETotalRCal
Slt_etotemc real CCGSUM_ETotalEmc
Slt_etransemc real CCGSUM_ETransEmc
Slt_pxemc real CCGSUM_PxEmc
Slt_pyemc real CCGSUM_PyEmc
Slt_pzemc real CCGSUM_PzEmc
Slt_etothac real CCGSUM_ETotalHac
Slt_etranshac real CCGSUM_EtransHac
Slt_pxhac real CCGSUM_PxHac
Slt_pyhac real CCGSUM_PyHac
Slt_pzhac real CCGSUM_PzHac
Slt_etot real CCGetote + CCGetoth
Slt_etmis real sqrt((CCGpxemc+CCGpxhac)**2 +(CCGpyemc+CCGpyhac)**2)
Slt_pxbp real CCGpxemc+CCGpxhac-CCGSUM_FCalBPpxEmc-CCGSUM_FCalBPpxHac
Slt_pybp real CCGpyemc+CCGpyhac-CCGSUM_FCalBPpyEmc-CCGSUM_FCalBPpyHac
Slt_etmbp real sqrt(CCGpxBP**2+CCGpyBP**2)
Slt_eremc real CCGSUM_ETotalREmc
Slt_erhac real CCGSUM_ETotalRcal - CCGSUM_ETotalREmc
Slt_ebemc real CCGSUM_ETotalBEmc
Slt_ebhac real CCGSUM_ETotalBcal - CCGSUM_ETotalBEmc
Slt_efemc real CCGSUM_ETotalFEmc
Slt_efhac real CCGSUM_ETotalFcal - CCGSUM_ETotalFEmc
Slt_etfbp real CCGSUM_FcalBPEtemc + CCGSUM_FcalBPEthac
Slt_btime real CCGSUM_BcalTime
Slt_gtime real CCGSUM_Globtime
Slt_gnpmt real CCGSUM_NoPMsGlobTi
Slt_bnpmt real CCGSUM_NoPMsBCalTi
Slt_noclus real CCGSUM_NoOfClusters
Slt_eemcclus real CCELEC_EmcClusEnergy
Otrkclass integer CTD-FLT class
Otrkmult integer CTD-FLT track multiplicity
Otrkvmult integer CTD-FLT vertex track multiplicity
Block: fltrig
Sltcal_etotemc real CCGSUM_ETotalEmc
Sltcal_etothac real CCGSUM_ETotalHac
Sltcal_etotremc real CCGSUM_ETotalREmc
Sltcal_etotbemc real CCGSUM_ETotalBEmc
Sltcal_etotfemc real CCGSUM_ETotalFEmc
Sltcal_etotfcal real CCGSUM_ETotalFCal
Sltelc_fl integer CouTab(CCELEC) (=0 or 1)
Sltelc_emcthe real CCELEC_EmcClusTheta
Sltelc_emcphi real CCELEC_EmcClusPhi
Sltelc_emcene real CCELEC_EmcClusEnergy
Sltelc_hacene real CCELEC_HacClusEnergy
Gttenv_ctdsize integer
Tlev_evtype integer TLTEVT_Evtype
Tlev_eminpz real TLTEVT_Eminpz
Block: BAC
Bac_etot real energy in BAC (total)
Bac_etot_o2r real energy in BAC(outside first2FBAC
Bac_npad integer number of fired pad towers in BAC)
Bac_npad_o2r integer number of fired pad towers in BAC
(outside first 2 FBAC rings)
Bac_et real BAC et (outside first 2 FBAC rings)
Bac_px real BAC px (outside first 2 FBAC rings)
Bac_py real BAC py (outside first 2 FBAC rings)
Nbacmu integer Number of muon candidates found
Mubac_xyz(3,NBACMU) real position in HERA frame
Mubac_dxyz(3,NBACMU) real error on position
Mubac_cos(3,NBACMU) real direction cosines
Mubac_dcos(3,NBACMU) real errors on direction (dummy now)
Mubac_eloss(NBACMU) real muon energy loss in BAC
(-1. for digital readout)
Mubac_deloss(NBACMU) real error on energy loss
Mubac_unit(NBACMU) integer part in BAC: 1 - barrel
2 - forecap
3 - rearcap)
Mubac_dim(NBACMU) integer kind of muon deposit:
2 - two dimensional
3 - three dimensional
Mubac_quality(NBACMU) integer quality of muon signal:
1 - strong candidate
0 - weak candidate
Ahit(NBACMU) integer set to 1 for hit readout
Pad(NBACMU) integer set to 1 for Pad readout
Block: BadPMT
Nbadpmt integer number of bad PMTs repaired
Badcell(nBadPMT) integer cell numbers containing repaired PMTs
Badside(nBadPMT) integer pmt number within the cell
Ebefore(nBadPMT) real cell energy before the repair
Eafter(nBadPMT) real cell energy after the repair
Block: Bits
Bitword(2) integer Bit info, jbit(Bitword(1),k) =
k = 1 evtake
k = 2 exotake
k = 3 xsectake
k = 4 BunchNr,1: proton bunch filled
k = 5 BunchNr,2: e+/e- bunch filled
k = 6-7 0
k = 8 FMuon1
k = 9-11 0
k = 12 qedcbit
k = 13 rhobit
k = 14 gTrk1,1
k = 15 gTrk1,2
k = 16 FJetA
k = 17 FJetB
k = 18 FJetC
k = 19 FJetD
k = 20-32 0
Block: CALIB
Calib_idcalscheme integer energy corrections scheme
default is 0 HERA I correction
1=enable James/Burkhard HERA II em energy scale corrections
2=new correction by Ritu
Block: CAL
Cal_px real Net x-momentum using CAL cells
Cal_py real Net y-momentum using CAL cells
Cal_pz real Net z-momentum using CAL cells
Cal_e real Total energy in CAL (cells) =SUM(CALTRU_E)
Cal_et real Transverse Energy =SUM(CALTRU_E*sin(thetai))
Cal_empz real =(SUM(E)-SUM(p_z))
Cal_pt real Transverse momentum
Cal_phi real =atan2(SUM(p_y),SUM(p_x))
Remc(6) real REMC (px,py,pz,E,Et,E-Pz)
Bemc(6) real BEMC (px,py,pz,E,Et,E-Pz)
Femc(6) real FEMC (px,py,pz,E,Et,E-Pz)
Rhac(6) real RHAC (px,py,pz,E,Et,E-Pz)
Bhac(6) real BHAC (px,py,pz,E,Et,E-Pz) (HAC1+HAC2)
Fhac(6) real FHAC (px,py,pz,E,Et,E-Pz) (HAC1+HAC2)
Bhac2(6) real BHAC2 (px,py,pz,E,Et,E-Pz)
Fhac2(6) real FHAC2 (px,py,pz,E,Et,E-Pz)
Nfemc integer number of FEMC cells
Nfhac1 integer number of FHAC1 cells
Nfhac2 integer number of FHAC2 cells
Nbemc integer number of BEMC cells
Nbhac1 integer number of BHAC1 cells
Nbhac2 integer number of BHAC2 cells
Nremc integer number of REMC cells
Nrhac integer number of RHAC cells
Cal_tf real FCAL time
Cal_tb real BCAL time
Cal_tr real RCAL time
Cal_tg real Global time
Cal_tu real Global upper time
Cal_td real Global lower time
Cal_tf_e real Energy used for FCAL time average
Cal_tb_e real Energy used for BCAL time average
Cal_tr_e real Energy used for RCAL time average
Cal_tg_e real Energy used for Global time average
Cal_tu_e real Energy used for Global upper time average
Cal_td_e real Energy used for Global lower time average
Cal_tf_n integer number of PMTS used for FCAL time
Cal_tb_n integer number of PMTS used for BCAL time
Cal_tr_n integer number of PMTS used for RCAL time
Cal_tg_n integer number of PMTS used for Global time
Cal_tu_n integer number of PMTS used for Global upper time
Cal_td_n integer number of PMTS used for Global lower time
Etamax_ce real Eta_max of all cells
Etamax_ce4 real Eta_max of cells with E > 400 MeV
Cal_et10 real Trans. E in FCAL inside of 10^0 cone
Mtrknoe_pi real Total mass of non-electron vertex tracks, assuming all tracks to be from pions.
Mtrknoe_k real Total mass of non-electron vertex tracks, assuming all tracks to be from kaons.
E_hk real Energy of cells with eta > 3.1
Unmen_pi real Unmatched Energy. (assuming kaons)
Unmen_k real Unmatched Energy. (assuming kaons)
Sparkf integer the same as sparkbit
0=take event
1=energy sum (w/o spark) too small
2=only one cell w bad channel
Pex1ir(4) real px,py,pz,E outside inner fcal ring
Et1ir real Et inside inner fcal ring
Etex1ir real Et outside inner fcal ring
Pex2ir(4) real px,py,pz,E outside 2 inner fcal rings
Et2ir real Et inside 2 inner fcal rings
Etex2ir real Et outside 2 inner fcal rings
MK 01/06/10 new variables for HAc energy
F1rhac real HAC energy in inner fcal ring
F2rhac real HAC energy in 2 inner fcal rings
Percir(4) real Px, Py, Pz and E in the RCAL inner ring
Etrcir real Et in the RCAL inner ring
Block: CC
Cc_had_0(4) real Had. monenta (Px,Py,Pz,E) with nominal vertex (0,0,0)
Cc_gamma_0 real Gamma with nominal vertex (0,0,0)
Cc_cehmom(4) real Had. momenta (Px,Py,Pz,E) calculated from cells
Cc_zuhmom(4) real Had. momenta (Px,Py,Pz,E) calculated with Zufos
Cc_cchmom(4) real Had. momenta (Px,Py,Pz,E) from CorAndCut
Cc_pt real Pt from CorAndCut
Cc_et real Et from CorAndCur
Cc_empz real E-pz from CorAndCut
Cc_gamma real Gamma from CorAndCut
Cc_yjb real yjb from CorAndCut
Cc_q2jb real Q2jb from CorAndCut
Cc_xjb real xjb from CorAndCut
Cc_etamax real Max eta for condensate above 400 MeV
Cc_eemc real EMC energy of highest energy condesate in FCAL
Cc_ehac1 real HAC1 energy of highest energy condesate in FCAL
Cc_ehac2 real HAC2 energy of highest energy condesate in FCAL
Cc_emaxco real Total energy of highest energy condesate in FCAL
Cc_nemc integer Number of EMC cells in highest energy condesate in FCAL
Cc_nhac1 integer Number of HAC1 cells in highest energy condesate in FCAL
Cc_nhac2 integer Number of HAC2 cells in highest energy condesate in FCAL
Cc_fclus_dt integer Width in towers of highest Et FCAL cluster
Cc_fclus_dm integer Width in modules of highest Et FCAL cluster
Cc_fclus_et real Weighted Et of highest Et FCAL cluster
Cc_fclus_e real Weighted energy of highest Et FCAL cluster
Cc_rclus_asoe real Energy in corresponding RCAL cluster to highest Et cluster in FCAL
Cc_vapvpcell real Vap/Vp from cells
Cc_vapvpzu real Vap/Vp from Zufos
Cc_vapvpcac real Vap/Vp from CorAndCut
Block: DisTrue
Nlepton integer number of final state leptons (should always be 1)
Nradpho integer number of radiated photons (should always be 0 or 1)
Nboson integer number of exchanged bosons (should always be 1)
Nquark integer number of incoming quarks (should always be 0 or 1)
Ngluon integer number of incoming gluons (should always be 0 or 1)
Idscatlep integer FMCKin ID of the scattered lepton
Idradpho integer FMCKin ID of the radiated photon
Idboson integer FMCKin ID of the exchanged boson
Idquark integer FMCKin ID of the incident quark
Idgluon integer FMCKin ID of the incident gluon
Dolepton integer FMCKin ID of the mother of the final state lepton
Doradpho integer FMCKin ID of the mother of the radiated photon
Doboson integer FMCKin ID of the mother of the exchanged boson
Doquark integer FMCKin ID of the mother of the incident quark
Dogluon integer FMCKin ID of the mother of the incident gluon
Plepton(5) real 4-momentum + mass of final state lepton
Pradpho(5) real 4-momentum + mass of radiated photon
Pboson(5) real 4-momentum + mass of exchanged boson
Pquark(5) real 4-momentum + mass of incident quark
Pgluon(5) real 4-momentum + mass of incident gluon
Nqg integer number of quarks+gluons (not including incident)
Quarkprt integer particle number of the incident quark
Idqg(nqg) integer FMCKin ID of quarks+gluons
Doqg(nqg) integer FMCKin daughter-of for quarks+gluons
Prtqg(nqg) integer particle type of quarks+gluons
Pqg(5,nqg) real 4-momenta+mass of quarks+gluons
Block: EM
Emncand integer Number of candidates
Emerror integer Em Error Code (0=OK)
Emprob(EmNcand) real Electron Grand Probability
Empos(3,EmNcand) real Electron position (x,y,z) CAL+HES+SRTD
Emcalpos(3,EmNcand) real Electron position (x,y,z) CAL
Emcalene(EmNcand) real Electron calorimeter energy
Emein(EmNcand) real Electron energy in Cone
Emenin(EmNcand) real Energy in Cone not from electron
Emecorr(3,EmNcand) real Corrected energy from emEnergyCorrection5.fpp (note: the description of variables in the code is wrong)
EmECorr(1) =
FCAL: Electron energy corrected using dead material map
BCAL: Electron energy corrected using dead material map
RCAL: Electron energy corrected for nonuniformities
EmECorr(2) =
FCAL: same as EmECorr(1)
BCAL: corrected using BPRES
RCAL: EmECorr(1) also corrected for dead material
EmECorr(3) =
FCAL: EmECorr(2) also corrected for nonuniformities
BCAL: EmECorr(1) also corrected for nonuniformities
RCAL: same as EmECorr(2)
Emth(EmNcand) real Theta calculated from EmPos
Emph(EmNcand) real Phi calculated from EmPos
Empt(EmNcand) real Pt calculated from EmPos
Emxdet(3,EmNcand) integer 1=CAL,2=HES,3=SRTD used in x pos (0=no,1=yes)
Emydet(3,EmNcand) integer 1=CAL,2=HES,3=SRTD used in y pos (0=no,1=yes)
Block: EM_TRK
Emtrknr(EmNcand) integer Track number in VCTRHL
Emnrsl(EmNcand) integer Number of hit Super Layers
Emdca(EmNcand) real Distance of Closest Approach
Emdcabeam(EmNcand) real Distance of Closest Approach to the Beam Line
Emtrkp(EmNcand) real Momentum of the track
Emtrkth(EmNcand) real Theta from track
Emtrkph(EmNcand) real Phi at the beg. of the trakc
Emtrkq(EmNcand) real Charge of the track
Emtrkdme(EmNcand) real distance to module edge (cm) from Track
Emtrkdce(EmNcand) real distance to cell edge (cm) from Track
Emtrkpos(3,EmNcand) real extrapolated track position
Block: EM_DET
Emsrtf(EmNcand) integer SRTD Error Flag
Emsrtquad(EmNcand) integer SRTD Quadrant
Emhesf(EmNcand) integer HES Error Flag
Emcorrcode(EmNcand) integer energy correction code from emenergycorrection5.fpp
1= dead material map
2= SRTD using routine PresCorF
3= Rear Presampler using routine PresCorF
4= Rear Presampler using routine prcorr_3
5= Barrel Presampler using routine EeCorrBCAL
Emsrtpos(2,EmNcand) real Electron position (x,y) from SRTD
Emsrtene(EmNcand) real SRTD Energy
Emhespos(2,EmNcand) real Electron position (x,y) from HES
Emhesene(EmNcand) real HES Energy
Emhesr(EmNcand) real HES Ratio
Emprsene(3,EmNcand) real Electron presampler energy in 3 windows
Block: EM_HAD
Emccet(EmNcand) real Et from CorAndCut
Emccempz(EmNcand) real E-Pz from CorAndCut
Emetamax(EmNcand) real EtaMax from Condensates
Emcehmom(4,EmNcand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (cells)
Emzuhmom(4,EmNcand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (Zufos)
Emcchmom(4,EmNcand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (CorandCut)
Block: EM_KIN
Emxel(EmNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with electron method
Emyel(EmNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with electron method
Emq2el(EmNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with electron method
Emxda(EmNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
Emyda(EmNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
Emq2da(EmNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
Emxda_cell(EmNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with double-angle method based on cells
Emyda_cell(EmNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with double-angle method based on cells
Emq2da_cell(EmNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with double-angle method based on cells
Emxjb(EmNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
Emyjb(EmNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
Emq2jb(EmNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
Emxjb_cell(EmNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
Emyjb_cell(EmNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
Emq2jb_cell(EmNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
Block: EM_Prob
Emfemc(EmNcand) real energy fraction in EM layer
Emcalprob(EmNcand) real probability from cal shape + isolation
Block: Em_TrIso
Eminctd(EmNcand) logical was the candidate in the CTD acceptance?
Emnneartrk(2,EmNcand) integer num tracks in eta-phi cones with radii
0.2 and 0.4 centered on the candidate.
these radii are defined by the variable
emTrackConeRadius in which
the use may modify
Emetneartrk(2,EmNcand) real Et of tracks in eta-phi cones with radii
as described above
Emtrkmatchi2(EmNcand) real Chi^2 of track-cal match from
Block: EM_Show
Emfmaxbemc(EmNcand) real energy fraction in highest BEMC cell
Emfmaxremc(EmNcand) real energy fraction in highest REMC cell
Emfmaxfemc(EmNcand) real energy fraction in highest FEMC cell
Emdeltaz(EmNcand) real z width in cm of cluster in BEMC
Emdeltax(EmNcand) real x width in cm of cluster in F/REMC
Emdeltay(EmNcand) real y width in cm of cluster in F/REMC
Emx0(EmNcand) real number of X0's from the dead mateiral map
Emdmcorr(EmNcand) real dead material correction from parametrization
defined as E_CAL / E_true
Emdmcorrcode(EmNcand) integer 0 = dead material correction ok
1 = dead material correction too large
2 = dead material correction unusable
Block: E5
E5ncand integer Number of candidates
E5error integer E5 Error Code (0=OK)
E5prob(E5Ncand) real Electron Grand Probability
E5pos(3,E5Ncand) real Electron position (x,y,z) CAL+HES+SRTD
E5calpos(3,E5Ncand) real Electron position (x,y,z) CAL
E5calene(E5Ncand) real Electron calorimeter energy
E5ein(E5Ncand) real Electron energy in Cone
E5enin(E5Ncand) real Energy in Cone not from electron
E5ecorr(3,E5Ncand) real Corrected energy from emEnergyCorrection5.fpp (note: the description of variables in the code is wrong)
E5ecorr(1) =
FCAL: Electron energy corrected using dead material map
BCAL: Electron energy corrected using dead material map
RCAL: Electron energy corrected for nonuniformities
E5ecorr(2) =
FCAL: same as E5ecorr(1)
BCAL: corrected using BPRES
RCAL: E5ecorr(1) also corrected for dead material
E5ecorr(3) =
FCAL: E5ecorr(2) also corrected for nonuniformities
BCAL: E5ecorr(1) also corrected for nonuniformities
RCAL: same as E5ecorr(2)
E5th(E5Ncand) real Theta calculated from E5Pos
E5ph(E5Ncand) real Phi calculated from E5Pos
E5pt(E5Ncand) real Pt calculated from E5Pos
E5xdet(3,E5Ncand) integer 1=CAL,2=HES,3=SRTD used in x pos (0=no,1=yes)
E5ydet(3,E5Ncand) integer 1=CAL,2=HES,3=SRTD used in y pos (0=no,1=yes)
Block: E5_TRK
E5trknr(E5Ncand) integer Track number in VCTRHL
E5nrsl(E5Ncand) integer Number of hit Super Layers
E5dca(E5Ncand) real Distance of Closest Approach
E5dcabeam(E5Ncand) real Distance of Closest Approach to the Beam Line
E5trkp(E5Ncand) real Momentum of the track
E5trkth(E5Ncand) real Theta from track
E5trkph(E5Ncand) real Phi at the beg. of the trakc
E5trkq(E5Ncand) real Charge of the track
E5trkdme(E5Ncand) real distance to module edge (cm) from Track
E5trkdce(E5Ncand) real distance to cell edge (cm) from Track
E5trkpos(3,E5Ncand) real extrapolated track position
Block: E5_DET
E5srtf(E5Ncand) integer SRTD Error Flag
E5srtquad(E5Ncand) integer SRTD Quadrant
E5hesf(E5Ncand) integer HES Error Flag
E5corrcode(E5Ncand) integer energy correction code from e5energycorrection5.fpp
1= dead material map
2= SRTD using routine PresCorF
3= Rear Presampler using routine PresCorF
4= Rear Presampler using routine prcorr_3
5= Barrel Presampler using routine EeCorrBCAL
E5srtpos(2,E5Ncand) real Electron position (x,y) from SRTD
E5srtene(E5Ncand) real SRTD Energy
E5hespos(2,E5Ncand) real Electron position (x,y) from HES
E5hesene(E5Ncand) real HES Energy
E5hesr(E5Ncand) real HES Ratio
E5prsene(3,E5Ncand) real Electron presampler energy in 3 windows
Block: E5_HAD
E5ccet(E5Ncand) real Et from CorAndCut
E5ccempz(E5Ncand) real E-Pz from CorAndCut
E5etamax(E5Ncand) real EtaMax from Condensates
E5cehmom(4,E5Ncand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (cells)
E5zuhmom(4,E5Ncand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (Zufos)
E5cchmom(4,E5Ncand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (CorandCut)
Block: E5_KIN
E5xel(E5Ncand) real x Bjorken calculated with electron method
E5yel(E5Ncand) real inelasticity y calculated with electron method
E5q2el(E5Ncand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with electron method
E5xda(E5Ncand) real x Bjorken calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
E5yda(E5Ncand) real inelasticity y calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
E5q2da(E5Ncand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
E5xda_cell(E5Ncand) real x Bjorken calculated with double-angle method based on cells
E5yda_cell(E5Ncand) real inelasticity y calculated with double-angle method based on cells
E5q2da_cell(E5Ncand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with double-angle method based on cells
E5xjb(E5Ncand) real x Bjorken calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
E5yjb(E5Ncand) real inelasticity y calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
E5q2jb(E5Ncand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
E5xjb_cell(E5Ncand) real x Bjorken calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
E5yjb_cell(E5Ncand) real inelasticity y calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
E5q2jb_cell(E5Ncand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
Block: E5_Prob
E5femc(E5Ncand) real energy fraction in E5 layer
E5calprob(E5Ncand) real probability from cal shape + isolation
Block: E5_TrIso
E5inctd(E5Ncand) logical was the candidate in the CTD acceptance?
E5nneartrk(2,E5Ncand) integer num tracks in eta-phi cones with radii
0.2 and 0.4 centered on the candidate.
These radii are defined by the variable
e5TrackConeRadius in which
the use may modify
E5etneartrk(2,E5Ncand) real Et of tracks in eta-phi cones with radii
as described above
E5trkmatchi2(E5Ncand) real Chi^2 of track-cal match from
Block: E5_Show
E5fmaxbemc(E5Ncand) real energy fraction in highest BEMC cell
E5fmaxremc(E5Ncand) real energy fraction in highest REMC cell
E5fmaxfemc(E5Ncand) real energy fraction in highest FEMC cell
E5deltaz(E5Ncand) real z width in cm of cluster in BEMC
E5deltax(E5Ncand) real x width in cm of cluster in F/REMC
E5deltay(E5Ncand) real y width in cm of cluster in F/REMC
Block: FastClr
Fc_etot real total energy
Fc_pt real pt
Fc_empz real E-pz
Fc_proctime real processing time
Fcb_elec integer electron bit
Fcb_ptmis integer missing pt bit
Fcb_beamg integer beamgas bit
Fcb_empzlo integer low E-Pz threshold bit
Fcb_empzhi integer high E-pz threshold bit
Fcb_etcl integer cluster Et bit
Fcb_abort integer FC abort bit (internal FCLR logic)
Fcb_fltabort integer GFLT aborted the event based on FCLR
Fcb_dump integer DMPBIT: FC dumped CFLT data for this event
Fce_dmp_abnd integer FC Dump of CFLT data was Abandoned
Fce_fatalnotdone integer no data from CFLT
Fce_toobig integer FC intenal timeout, event too big
Fce_incomplete integer timeout from GFLT?
Fce_nofcfif2 integer FCFIF2 table is missing
O1fltfl integer O1EVNT_FLTfl
Fltfc_valid integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,14) FC information was valid according to FLT
Fltfc_fcerror integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,21) FC had error bit set, ignored by FLT
Fltfc_fcbusy integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,22) FC was busy, ignored by FLT
Fltfc_fcabortcond integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,23) FC conditions met for aborting the event
Flttesttype integer test trigger type when fltRoTyp=2
Fltrotyp integer ReadOutType: 0=normal,1=after FC abort,2=TestTrigger
Fltbunchambig integer bunch ambiguity flag
Fltbcn integer Bunch Crossing Number
Fc_wc_t integer Trigger Cards words = 6*coutab(FCCLU2)
Fc_wc_f integer Fcal words = coutab(FCFRAW)
Fc_wc_b integer Bcal words = coutab(FCBRAW)
Fc_wc_r integer Rcal words = coutab(FCRRAW)
Fltfc_elec integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl, 9) Electron bit
Fltfc_ptmis integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,10) Ptmis bit
Fltfc_beamg integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,11) BeamGas bit
Fltfc_empzlo integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,12) E-Pz low threshold
Fltfc_empzhi integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,13) E-Pz high threshold
Fltfc_etcl integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,20) EtCluster bit
Fltfc_abort integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl, 8) FC abort suggestion
Fltfc_fltabort integer btest(O1EVNT_FLTfl,15) FLT aborted the event based on FC information
Block: FastClr2
Fc_readstat_t integer Trigger possible read-errors for raw data
Fc_readstat_f integer Fcal possible read-errors for raw data
Fc_readstat_b integer Bcal possible read-errors for raw data
Fc_readstat_r integer Rcal possible read-errors for raw data
Fc_unknaddr_t integer Trigger status of starting addresses
Fc_unknaddr_f integer Fcal status of starting addresses
Fc_unknaddr_b integer Bcal status of starting addresses
Fc_unknaddr_r integer Rcal status of starting addresses
Fc_sa_t integer Trigger Card starting address of raw data
Fc_sa_f integer Fcal starting address of raw data
Fc_sa_b integer Bcal starting address of raw data
Fc_sa_r integer Rcal starting address of raw data
Block: FMCKin
Npart integer number of final state particles in FMCKin
Idlepton integer FMCKin_ID of the scattered lepton
Idphoton integer FMCKin_ID of the radiated photon (zero if none)
Part_id(nPart) integer FMCKin_ID
Part_prt(nPart) integer particle type
Part_p(4,nPart) real 4-momentum
Block: GMUON
Nmu integer number of muon candidates (all finders);
Muqual(Nmu) integer global muon quality flag:
6 - excellent quality muon for high bg. samples
e.g. BREMAT 5dof pmatch > 0.01 from prim. vtx
MPMATCH or MUFO, p > 0.05 or MV
5 - very good quality muon for interm./high bg. samples
e.g. all other MPMATCH/MUFO to CTD
good quality MUFO to vertex
noncentral BREMAT 4dof + MV
noncentral BAC + MV, good quality
4 - good quality muon for intermediate bg. samples
e.g. BREMAT 4dof pmatch > 0.01 from prim. vtx
lesser quality MUFO to vertex
unmatched FMU + MV
central BAC + MV, good quality
BAC + MIP (p > 2)
good quality BAC
3 - fair quality muon candidate for low bg. samples
e.g. BREMAT 5dof pmatch > 0.01 not from prim. vtx
MV prob > 0.95
GLOMU + MV prob > 0.6
BAC + MV, bad quality
BREMAT + BAC, bad quality
2 - reasonable quality muon candidate for low bg. samples
e.g. BREMAT 4dof pmatch > 0.01 not from prim. vtx
unmatched FMU track (MFCTS)
MV prob > 0.8
GLOMU match
reasonable quality BAC
1 - low quality muon candidate
MPMATCH to CTD, pmatch < 0.01
MV prob > 0.6
0 - unknown or very low quality muon candidate
e.g. MIP match only
MV without track or secondary vertex or no vertex
-1 - doubtful muon candidate
e.g. BREMAT 5dof p < 0.01
-2 - bad muon candidate
e.g. BREMAT 4dof p < 0.01
unmatched FMU track with reconstruction problem
-3 - alternative reconstruction of muon already in list
quality and use to be judged by user
-999 - simulated MC prompt muon, not identified
-1000 - simulated MC pi/K decay muon, not identified
Mucharge(Nmu) integer muon charge (0 if no info)
Mupt(Nmu) real muon pt ) from CTD only or REGular
Muth(Nmu) real muon theta ) tracking, depending on
Muph(Nmu) real muon phi ) Orange settings
Mup(3,Nmu) real muon momentum from best available global
Muperr(Nmu) real momentum error
Mutrfl(Nmu) integer central tracking flag:
0 - not used (i.e. momentum from muon chambers only)
1 - momentum from VCTRHL (REGular or CTD only)
2 - momentum from VCTPAR (REGular or CTD only)
3 - momentum from VCPARSEC (REGular or CTD only)
Mutrid(Nmu) integer relevant track id (0 if no info)
Muvcid(Nmu) integer VCTRHL id (0 if no match)
Muztid(Nmu) integer ZTTRHL id (0 if no match)
Mustid(Nmu) integer associated STPRHL id (0 if no match)
Muvtxfl(Nmu) integer vertex flag:
Muvtxid(Nmu) integer relevant vertex id
(not yet filled, requests to A.Geiser)
Muglomu(Nmu) integer muon found by GLOMU:
0 - no, 1,2 -> entry in GLOMU block
Mubremat(Nmu) integer muon found by BREMAT:
0 - no, >0 -> entry in BREMAT block
Mubacmat(Nmu) integer muon found by BACMAT:
0 - no, >0 -> entry in BACMAT block
Mumubac(Nmu) integer muon matched to BAC:
0 - no, >0 -> entry in MUBAC block
Mumamma(Nmu) integer muon found by MAMMA:
0 - no, 1 CTD+CAL, 2 CAL only -> FM block
Mumpmat(Nmu) integer muon found by MPMATCH2:
0 - no, >0 -> entry in MPMATCH2 block
Mumufo(Nmu) integer muon found by MUFO:
0 - no, >0 -> entry in MUFO block
Mumip(Nmu) integer muon found by CAL MIP:
0 - no, 1,2 -> entry in MIP muon block
Mumv(Nmu) integer muon found by MV finder:
0 - no, >0 -> entry in MV block
Mucalfl(Nmu) integer muonic zufo code (see muzmat.fpp)
Mucalene(Nmu) real cal energy deposit around muon
Muhac2(Nmu) real cal energy deposit in HAC2
(HAC1 included if Theta>2.or.0.8>Theta>0.6)
Muzufid(Nmu) integer id of muon zufo object
Mupmip(Nmu) real MV CAL mip probability
Muhene(Nmu) real HES energy deposition (from MV)
Mutime(Nmu) real CAL mip time (from MV)
Muchfl(Nmu) integer BRMUON or FMUON chamber info used?
Muchid(Nmu) integer id of relevant BRMUON or FMUON object
Mupmat(Nmu) real matching probability
Mundof(Nmu) integer ndf from MFRTZ or BREMAT
Munphi(Nmu) integer number of phi hits from MFRTZ
Muz(Nmu) real z from MFRTZ
Muprec(Nmu) real chi2 prob from MFRTZ (or MBXYZ)
Mubmchi2(Nmu) real Chi2 of matching from BACMAT
Mubmbac(Nmu) integer Id of BAC object matched by BACMAT
Mubacdca(Nmu) real DCA to BAC object from MUBAC ( 0. if no match )
Mubacdimq(Nmu) integer MUBAC_DIM * ( 2 * MUBAC_QUALITY - 1 )
of relevant BAC object from MUBAC ( 0 if no match )
Mudxy(Nmu) real unsigned impact parameter in xy (DCA)
(not yet filled, requests to A.Geiser)
Mudz(Nmu) real signed delta z at this DCA
(not yet filled, requests to A.Geiser)
Muisol(10,Nmu) real zufo energy in cones 0.1-1.0
Munis(10,Nmu) integer number of tracks in cones 0.1-1.0
Muisdrmip(2,Nmu) real delta R of potential mip remnant
(1 - actual muon; 2 - other muon, if any)
Muisetmip(2,Nmu) real Et of potential mip remnant
(1 - actual muon; 2 - other muon, if any)
Muistumip(2,Nmu) integer tufo code of potential mip remnant
(1 - actual muon; 2 - other muon, if any)
Block: GMU_JET
Mujetfl_a(Nmu) integer Flag for kind of jet association for kt_jet_a
0 - none
1 - kt, mu in jet
2 - kt, mu not in jet
3 - Delta R, mu in jet
4 - Delta R, mu not in jet
Mujetid_a(Nmu) integer Id of associated jet
Mujetdr_a(Nmu) real Delta R : distance in eta-phi space
Mujetpt_a(Nmu) real ptrel of muon respective to jet
Mujetdr2_a(Nmu) real Delta R between muon and "jet-muon"
Mujetpt2_a(Nmu) real ptrel of muon respective to "jet-muon"
Mujetfl_b(Nmu) integer Flag for kind of jet association for kt_jet_b
0 - none
1 - kt, mu in jet
2 - kt, mu not in jet
3 - Delta R, mu in jet
4 - Delta R, mu not in jet
Mujetid_b(Nmu) integer Id of associated jet for kt_jet_b
Mujetdr_b(Nmu) real Delta R : distance in eta-phi space for kt_jet_b
Mujetpt_b(Nmu) real ptrel of muon respective to jet for kt_jet_b
Mujetdr2_b(Nmu) real Delta R between muon and "jet-muon" for kt_jet_b
Mujetpt2_b(Nmu) real ptrel of muon respective to "jet-muon" for kt_jet_b
Mujetfl_c(Nmu) integer Flag for kind of jet association for kt_jet_c
0 - none
1 - kt, mu in jet
2 - kt, mu not in jet
3 - Delta R, mu in jet
4 - Delta R, mu not in jet
Mujetid_c(Nmu) integer Id of associated jet for kt_jet_c
Mujetdr_c(Nmu) real Delta R : distance in eta-phi space for kt_jet_c
Mujetpt_c(Nmu) real ptrel of muon respective to jet for kt_jet_c
Mujetdr2_c(Nmu) real Delta R between muon and "jet-muon" for kt_jet_c
Mujetpt2_c(Nmu) real ptrel of muon respective to "jet-muon" for kt_jet_c
Mujetfl_d(Nmu) integer Flag for kind of jet association for kt_jet_d
0 - none
1 - kt, mu in jet
2 - kt, mu not in jet
3 - Delta R, mu in jet
4 - Delta R, mu not in jet
Mujetid_d(Nmu) integer Id of associated jet for kt_jet_d
Mujetdr_d(Nmu) real Delta R : distance in eta-phi space for kt_jet_d
Mujetpt_d(Nmu) real ptrel of muon respective to jet for kt_jet_d
Mujetdr2_d(Nmu) real Delta R between muon and "jet-muon" for kt_jet_d
Mujetpt2_d(Nmu) real ptrel of muon respective to "jet-muon" for kt_jet_d
Block: GMU_MC
( *(-1) in case of ambiguous match )
Mutruefl(Nmu) integer flag for true muon type
0: don't know
1: true muon
2: non recontructed muon
-1: decay muon
Mudecdist(Nmu) real scalar distance of pi/k decay from prim vertex
Bm_n integer Number of matched pairs VCATCAL_track - BAC_track
Bm_idvc(Bm_n) integer ID of track in the "VCATCAL" table
Bm_idmubac(Bm_n) integer ID of BAC muon candidate in the "MUBAC" common block (Phantom/Detectors/bac)
(MUBAC ORANGE block is different from Mubac common block)
Bm_istop(Bm_n) integer ISTOP returned by GEANE. The ISTOP value indicates the reason
why GEANE stopped. Possible values:
"0" - ISTOP not set. GEANE must never stop with ISTOP=0.
"1" - GEANE stopped normally. (hit all stop planes)
"2" - VCATCAL track has stopped with 0.0 momentum, but
has not hit all stop planes.
"88" - GEANE was stopped by zgeast. This should never occur
when GEANE is called by BACMAT.
"101" - GEANE was stopped by eustep_bacmat while looping.
(by default, if GEANE made > 2000 steps).
I don't know why the looping occures (bug?).
"102" - VCATCAL track went out of the detector while extrapolation
(stopped from eustep_bacmat)
Bm_error(Bm_n) integer Error occured while matching track pair:
"0" - No errors
"2" - GEANE stopped while looping
"3" - Stopped with ISTOP=1 but has not reached normal stop plane (bug)
Bug fixed! Should never appear!
"4" - Finished with ISTOP=88 (by zgeast.fpp). BACMAT doesn't use
zgeast to control track turn angle. Should never appear.
"5" - GEANE went out of the detector.
Bm_readout(Bm_n) integer BAC readout available for the matched BAC track:
"1" - pad-only, "2" - hit-only, "3" - both hit+pad
Bm_x(3,2,Bm_n) real Position of the extrapolated VCATCAL track in the matching-plane (HERA frame)
Bm_p(3,2,Bm_n) real Momentum of the extrapolated VCATCAL track in the matching-plane (HERA frame)
Bm_chi2(2,Bm_n) real Chi2/Ndof of matching. The set of SD parameters being compared(i.e. used to
calculate chi2) depends on BAC readout:
Hit+Pad : W', V, W (Ndof = 3)
Hit only: W', W (Ndof = 2)
Pad only: V , W (Ndof = 2)
W - position along the perpendicular-to-the-wires axis, in the matching plane
V - positoin along the along-the-wires axis, in the matching plane
W' - slope in the perpendicular-to-the-wires plane
V' - slope in the along-the-wires-,-perpendicular-to-the-matching-plane plane
Bm_dca(2,Bm_n) real Distance between the extraplated VCATCAL track and the BAC track
in the matching plane (HERA frame). BAC track position
is propagated(should say "reduced"?) to the matching-plane
Bm_gcov(15,2,Bm_n) real Extrapolated VCATCAL track error matrix (from GEANE) in the matching-plane
in SD parametrization: (1/p; v'; w'; v; w). Diagonal elements are 1st, 6th,
10th, 13th and 15th. SD reference plane is the matching-plane.
see GEANE documentation for detailed explanation of SD parametrisation.
Bm_fcov(10,2,Bm_n) real Full (GEANE extrapolation + BAC measurment) error matrix in the matching-plane
in SD parametrization, but without momentum terms: (v'; w'; v; w). Diagonal
elements are 1st, 5th, 8th and 10th. Reference plane is the matching-plane.
Bm_resloc(4,2,Bm_n) real Residuals = measured - predicted SD parameters (v'; w'; v; w)
(Stored in the same order)
Bm_prob(2,Bm_n) real Probability of matching (from Chi2, Ndof)
Bm_zpen(2,Bm_n) real "z penalty". Being calculated only in case of hit-only readout.
if ( V_residual > length_of_wire/2 ) then
Ora_Bm_zpen = ( V_residual - length_of_wire/2 )/ V_extrapolation_error
else Ora_Bm_zpen = 0
Bm_dlh(Bm_n) real "Distance to the Last Hit". If VCATCAL track has not enough momentum to
reach the outermost-hit-plane, then
Ora_Bm_dlh = distance_to_the_last_hit_plane /
Bm_mubac_n integer number of tracks, reconstructed in BAC
Bm_mubac_hit(Bm_mubac_n) integer 1, if wire readout present, 0 otherwise
Bm_mubac_pad(Bm_mubac_n) integer 1, if pad readout present, 0 otherwise
Bm_mubac_unit(Bm_mubac_n) integer 1 for barrel, 2 - forecap, 3 - rearcap
Bm_mubac_hp1(Bm_mubac_n) integer Hit pattern in XLayers 1-6
Bm_mubac_hp2(Bm_mubac_n) integer number of hits in XLayers 7-12
Bm_mubac_xyz(3,Bm_mubac_n) real bac track position
Bm_mubac_dxyz(3,Bm_mubac_n) real bac track position error
Bm_mubac_cos(3,Bm_mubac_n) real bac track direction
Bm_mubac_plf(3,5,Bm_mubac_n) real 2 vectors defining plane orientation,
3 points defining position of planes
Block: HiEtCell
Et_maxisl real Et of island containing highest Et cell
Ptmhietcell real Pt excluding highest Et cell
Pt_mimbal real Pt excluding cells with imbalance > 0.8
Hietcell_type integer cell type of highest Et cell
Hietcell_nr integer cell number of highest Et cell
Hietcell_px real Px of highest Et cell
Hietcell_py real Py of highest Et cell
Hietcell_pz real Pz of highest Et cell
Hietcell_et real Et of highest Et cell
Hietcell_imbal real Imbalance (GeV) of highest Et Cell
Hietcell_e real Energy of highest Et cell
Block: ktJETS_A
Zufos, without removal of electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massive jets are reconstructed with E-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 2.5.
Kt_njet_a integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder A
Kt_etjet_a(KT_NJET_A) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder A (cut et > 2.5)
Kt_etajet_a(KT_NJET_A) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder A (cut -2.5 < eta < 2.5)
Kt_phijet_a(KT_NJET_A) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder A
Kt_masjet_a(KT_NJET_A) real Mass of jets found by KT jet finder A
Block: ktJETS_B
Zufos, without Sinistra-flagged electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massive jets are reconstructed in laboratory frame with E-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 2.5.
Kt_njet_b integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder B
Kt_etjet_b(KT_NJET_B) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder B (cut et > 2.5)
Kt_etajet_b(KT_NJET_B) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder B (cut -2.5 < eta < 2.5)
Kt_phijet_b(KT_NJET_B) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder B
Kt_masjet_b(KT_NJET_B) real Mass of jets found by KT jet finder B
Kt_bst_b(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder B
Block: ktJETS_C
Zufos, without Sinistra-flagged electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massive jets are reconstructed in Breit frame with E-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 2.5.
Kt_njet_c integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder C
Kt_etjet_c(KT_NJET_C) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder C (cut et > 2.5)
Kt_etajet_c(KT_NJET_C) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder C (cut -2.5 < eta < 2.5)
Kt_phijet_c(KT_NJET_C) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder C
Kt_masjet_c(KT_NJET_C) real Mass of jets found by KT jet finder C
Kt_bst_c(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder C
Block: ktJETS_D
Zufos, without Sinistra-flagged electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massive jets are reconstructed in Breit frame with E-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in Breit frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 2.5.
Kt_njet_d integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder D
Kt_etjet_d(KT_NJET_D) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder D (cut et > 2.5)
Kt_etajet_d(KT_NJET_D) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder D (cut -2.5 < eta < 2.5)
Kt_phijet_d(KT_NJET_D) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder D
Kt_masjet_d(KT_NJET_D) real Mass of jets found by KT jet finder D
Kt_bst_d(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder D
Block: ktJETS_E
Zufos, without Sinistra-flagged electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massless jets are reconstructed in Breit frame with pt-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 4.
Kt_njet_e integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder E
Kt_etjet_e(KT_NJET_E) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder E (cut et > 2.5)
Kt_etajet_e(KT_NJET_E) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder E (cut -2.5 < eta < 4)
Kt_phijet_e(KT_NJET_E) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder E
Kt_bst_e(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder E
Block: ktJETS_F
Zufos, without Sinistra-flagged electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massless jets are reconstructed in Breit frame (using DA method) with pt-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 4.
Kt_njet_f integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder F
Kt_etjet_f(KT_NJET_F) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder F (cut et > 2.5)
Kt_etajet_f(KT_NJET_F) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder F (cut -2.5 < eta < 4)
Kt_phijet_f(KT_NJET_F) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder F
Kt_bst_f(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder F
Block: ktJETS_G
Zufos, without Sinistra-flagged electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massless jets are reconstructed in Breit frame with pt-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in Breit frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 4.
Kt_njet_g integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder G
Kt_etjet_g(KT_NJET_G) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder G (cut et > 2.5)
Kt_etajet_g(KT_NJET_G) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder G (cut -2.5 < eta < 4)
Kt_phijet_g(KT_NJET_G) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder G
Kt_bst_g(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder G
Block: ktJETS_H
Zufos, without Sinistra-flagged electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massless jets are reconstructed in Breit frame (established with DA method) with pt-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in Breit frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 4.
Kt_njet_h integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder H
Kt_etjet_h(KT_NJET_H) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder H (cut et > 2.5)
Kt_etajet_h(KT_NJET_H) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder H (cut -2.5 < eta < 4)
Kt_phijet_h(KT_NJET_H) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder H
Kt_bst_h(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder H
Block: ktJETS_I
Zufos, without removal of electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massless jets are reconstructed in laboratory frame with pt-scheme and in inclusive mode. Dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 4.0 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 4.
Kt_njet_i integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder I
Kt_etjet_i(KT_NJET_I) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder I (cut et > 4)
Kt_etajet_i(KT_NJET_I) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder I (cut -2.5 < eta < 4)
Kt_phijet_i(KT_NJET_I) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder I
Block: ktJETS_J
Calorimeter cells, without removal of electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massless jets are reconstructed in laboratory frame with pt-scheme and fixed scale. No dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 4.0 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2.5 to 4.
Kt_njet_j integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder J
Kt_etjet_j(KT_NJET_J) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder J (cut et > 4)
Kt_etajet_j(KT_NJET_J) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder J (cut -2.5 < eta < 4)
Kt_phijet_j(KT_NJET_J) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder J
Block: ktJETS_K
Islands, without removal of electron candidate, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massless jets are reconstructed in laboratory frame with pt-scheme and in inclusive mode. No dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 4.0 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -3 to 3.
Kt_njet_k integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder K
Kt_etjet_k(KT_NJET_K) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder K (cut et > 4)
Kt_etajet_k(KT_NJET_K) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder K (cut -3 < eta < 3)b
Kt_phijet_k(KT_NJET_K) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder K
Kt_bst_k(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder K
Block: ktJETS_L
Islands, with removed scattered electron energy clusters found by EM, are used as input for jet algorithm. Massless jets are reconstructed in laboratory frame with pt scheme and in inclusive mode. No dead material corrections are applied. Information about 10 jets in laboratory frame is saved. Jets are required to have transverse energy greater than 4.0 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -3 to 3.
Kt_njet_l integer Number of jets found by KT jet finder L
Kt_etjet_l(KT_NJET_L) real Et of jets found by KT jet finder L (cut et > 4)
Kt_etajet_l(KT_NJET_L) real Eta of jets found by KT jet finder L (cut -3 < eta < 3)
Kt_phijet_l(KT_NJET_L) real Phi of jets found by KT jet finder L
Kt_bst_l(4) real boost vector for kt jet finder L
Block: coneJETS
CAL cells, with removed scattered electron energy clusters found by EM, are used as input for jet algorithm. Cone algorithm is run with radius 1 and seed 0.5. Massless jets are reconstructed in laboratory frame. Jets are required to have transverse momentum greater than 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity in range from -2 to 3.2.
Cone_njet integer number of cone jets
Cone_etjet(CONE_NJET) real Et for cone jets
Cone_etajet(CONE_NJET) real Eta for cone jets (cut -2 < eta < 3)
Cone_phijet(CONE_NJET) real Phi for cone jets
Block: LUMI
Elumie real Energy in Lumi el.
Xlumie real X position in Lumi el.
Ylumie real Y position in Lumi el.
Elumig real Energy in Lumi gamma
(-abs(Energy) if info is unreliable)
Xlumig real X position in Lumi gamma
Ylumig real Y position in Lumi gamma
E_pcal real Energy in PCAL
E_pcal_aero real Energy in PCAL + AEROs
Raw_aero1 real Counts from AEROGEL1
Raw_aero2 real Counts from AEROGEL2
Raw_pcal real Counts from PCAL
& X_POS_SPEC, !x pos in SPEC (average)
& Y_POS_SPEC, !y pos in SPEC (average)
& X_POS_RMS_SPEC, !rms on x pos (average)
& Y_POS_RMS_SPEC, !rms on y pos (average)
& BEAM_ANGLE, !Beam Angle (average)
I_lepton real Lepton Beam Current (average)
I_proton real Proton Beam Current (average)
Nmcdstar integer number of D*'s found in FMCKin
Imcdstar(nmcdstar) integer charge of the D*
Ptmcdstar(nmcdstar) real D* transverse momentum
Etamcdstar(nmcdstar) real D* pseudo-rapidity
Phimcdstar(nmcdstar) real D* azimuth
Block: MC_dsd02
Ndsd02 integer number of D*+/- -> D0,pi-s -> (1,2),pi-s
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pdsd02(2,ndsd02) real momentum (P) of (1,2)
Tdsd02(2,ndsd02) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2)
Fdsd02(2,ndsd02) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2)
Kdsd02(2,ndsd02) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2)
Pdsps2(ndsd02) real momentum (P) of pi-s
Tdsps2(ndsd02) real polar angle (theta) of pi-s
Fdsps2(ndsd02) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of pi-s
Pmds2(4,ndsd02) real 4-momentum of D* mother
Kmds2(ndsd02) integer FMCPRT code of D* mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l
or D*,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmds2(ndsd02) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l )
Block: MC_dsd04
Ndsd04 integer number of D*+/- -> D0,pi-s -> (1,2,3,4),pi-s
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2, 3, 4 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pdsd04(4,ndsd04) real momentum (P) of (1,2,3,4)
Tdsd04(4,ndsd04) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2,3,4)
Fdsd04(4,ndsd04) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2,3,4)
Kdsd04(4,ndsd04) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3,4)
Mdsd04(4,ndsd04) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3,4) mothers
Pdsps4(ndsd04) real momentum (P) of pi-s
Tdsps4(ndsd04) real polar angle (theta) of pi-s
Fdsps4(ndsd04) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of pi-s
Pmds4(4,ndsd04) real 4-momentum of D* mother
Kmds4(ndsd04) integer FMCPRT code of D* mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l
or D*,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmds4(ndsd04) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l )
Block: MC_dzd02
Ndzd02 integer number of D*0 -> D0,gamma/pi0 ->(1,2),gamma/pi0
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pdzd02(2,ndzd02) real momentum (P) of (1,2)
Tdzd02(2,ndzd02) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2)
Fdzd02(2,ndzd02) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2)
Kdzd02(2,ndzd02) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2)
Pdzga2(ndzd02) real momentum (P) of gamma/pi0 (*(-1) if pi0)
Tdzga2(ndzd02) real polar angle (theta) of gamma/pi0
Fdzga2(ndzd02) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of gamma/pi0
Pmdz2(4,ndzd02) real 4-momentum of D* mother
Kmdz2(ndzd02) integer FMCPRT code of D* mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l
or D*,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmdz2(ndzd02) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l )
Block: MC_dzd04
Ndzd04 integer number of D*0 -> D0,gamma/pi0 -> (1,2,3,4),gamma/pi0
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2, 3, 4 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pdzd04(4,ndzd04) real momentum (P) of (1,2,3,4)
Tdzd04(4,ndzd04) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2,3,4)
Fdzd04(4,ndzd04) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2,3,4)
Kdzd04(4,ndzd04) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3,4)
Mdzd04(4,ndzd04) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3,4) mothers
Pdzga4(ndzd04) real momentum (P) of gamma/pi0 (*(-1) if pi0)
Tdzga4(ndzd04) real polar angle (theta) of gamma/pi0
Fdzga4(ndzd04) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of gamma/pi0
Pmdz4(4,ndzd04) real 4-momentum of D* mother
Kmdz4(ndzd04) integer FMCPRT code of D* mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l
or D*,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmdz4(ndzd04) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l )
Block: MC_d02
Nd02 integer number of D0 (not from D*) -> (1,2)
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pd02(2,nd02) real momentum (P) of (1,2)
Td02(2,nd02) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2)
Fd02(2,nd02) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2)
Kd02(2,nd02) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2)
Pmd02(4,nd02) real 4-momentum of D mother
Kmd02(nd02) integer FMCPRT code of D mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D,K0l
or D,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmd02(nd02) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D,K0l )
Block: MC_d04
Nd04 integer number of D0 (not from D*) ->(1,2,3,4)
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2, 3, 4 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pd04(4,nd04) real momentum (P) of (1,2,3,4)
Td04(4,nd04) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2,3,4)
Fd04(4,nd04) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2,3,4)
Kd04(4,nd04) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3,4)
Md04(4,nd04) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3,4) mothers
Pmd04(4,nd04) real 4-momentum of D mother
Kmd04(nd04) integer FMCPRT code of D mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D,K0l or D,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmd04(nd04) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D,K0l )
Block: MC_dsdch
Ndsdch integer number of D*+/- -> D+/-,gamma/pi0 ->(1,2,3),gamma/pi0
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2, 3 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pdsdch(3,ndsdch) real momentum (P) of (1,2,3)
Tdsdch(3,ndsdch) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2,3)
Fdsdch(3,ndsdch) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2,3)
Kdsdch(3,ndsdch) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3)
Mdsdch(3,ndsdch) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3) mothers
Pdsgah(ndsdch) real momentum (P) of gamma/pi0 (*(-1) if pi0)
Tdsgah(ndsdch) real polar angle (theta) of gamma/pi0
Fdsgah(ndsdch) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of gamma/pi0
Pmdsh(4,ndsdch) real 4-momentum of D* mother
Kmdsh(ndsdch) integer FMCPRT code of D* mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l
or D*,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmdsh(ndsdch) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l )
Block: MC_dch
Ndch integer number of D+/- (not from D*) -> (1,2,3)
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2, 3 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pdch(3,ndch) real momentum (P) of (1,2,3)
Tdch(3,ndch) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2,3)
Fdch(3,ndch) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2,3)
Kdch(3,ndch) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3)
Mdch(3,ndch) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3) mothers
Pmdch(4,20) real 4-momentum of D mother
Kmdch(20) integer FMCPRT code of D mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D,K0l
or D,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmdch(20) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D,K0l )
Block: MC_dtdss
Ndtdss integer number of D*s ->Ds,gamma/pi0 ->(1,2,3),gamma/pi0
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2, 3 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pdtdss(3,ndtdss) real momentum (P) of (1,2,3)
Tdtdss(3,ndtdss) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2,3)
Fdtdss(3,ndtdss) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2,3)
Kdtdss(3,ndtdss) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3)
Mdtdss(3,ndtdss) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3) mothers
Pdtgas(ndtdss) real momentum (P) of gamma/pi0 (*(-1) if pi0)
Tdtgas(ndtdss) real polar angle (theta) of gamma/pi0
Fdtgas(ndtdss) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of gamma/pi0
Pmdts(4,ndtdss) real 4-momentum of D* mother
Kmdts(ndtdss) integer FMCPRT code of D* mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l
or D*,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmdts(ndtdss) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D*,K0l )
Block: MC_dss
Ndss integer number of Ds (not from D*) ->(1,2,3)
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2, 3 can be pi+/-, K+/-
Pdss(3,ndss) real momentum (P) of (1,2,3)
Tdss(3,ndss) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2,3)
Fdss(3,ndss) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2,3)
Kdss(3,ndss) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3)
Mdss(3,ndss) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3) mothers
Pmdss(4,ndss) real 4-momentum of D mother
Kmdss(ndss) integer FMCPRT code of D mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D,K0l
or D,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmdss(ndss) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to D,K0l )
Block: MC_dla
Ndla integer number of L_c ->(1,2,3)
decays [0,20] (FMCKin level)
1, 2, 3 can be pi+/-, K+/-, p+/-
Pdla(3,ndla) real momentum (P) of (1,2,3)
Tdla(3,ndla) real polar angle (theta) of (1,2,3)
Fdla(3,ndla) real azimuthal angle (Phi) of (1,2,3)
Kdla(3,ndla) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3)
Mdla(3,ndla) integer FMCPRT codes of (1,2,3) mothers
Pmdla(4,ndla) real 4-momentum of L_c mother
Kmdla(ndla) integer FMCPRT code of L_c mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to L_c,K0l
or L_c,K0s(->pi0,pi0) )
Nmdla(ndla) integer number of daughters of this mother
( *(-1) if mother decays to L_c,K0l )
Mc_ez real sum of pz values for particles which should reach CAL
Mc_esum real sum of E values for particles which should reach CAL
Mc_etcone real sum of Et values for particles outside cutaway region
Mc_ercal real sum of E values in the veto region
Mc_el real lepton beam energy
Mc_ep real proton beam energy
Mc_x real Bjorken x (from initial and final leptons)
Mc_y real Bjorken y (from initial and final leptons)
Mc_q2 real Bjorken Q2 (from initial and final leptons)
Mc_mu real Bjorken hard scale
Mc_pt real partonic PT for LO hard photons
Mc_xpro real X proton
Mc_xgam real X gamma
Mc_xpom real X pomeron
Mc_beta real beta
Mc_t real t
Mc_idl integer ID of lepton beam
Mc_pidl integer ID of incoming parton (lepton side)
Mc_pidp integer ID of incoming parton (proton side)
Mc_idfsl integer ID of final state lepton
Mc_pisl(4) real Four-momentum of initial state lepton.
Mc_pisp(4) real Four-momentum of initial state proton.
Mc_pfsl(4) real Four-momentum of final state lepton.
Mc_pfsph(4) real Four-momentum of radiated photon
Mc_vtx(3) real Montecarlo vertex position
Mc_ichnn integer QED radiation flag
Mc_subprnr integer MC subprocess number
Mc_q2_cr real Q2 (from exchanged photon)
Mc_x_cr real x (from exchanged photon)
Block: MCVTX
Mcvtx(3) real true vertex position = FMcvtx_R for row 1
Block: SimRun
Simrun integer simulated run number
Block: SIRA
Candidates are sorted with respect to probability, starting with the highest probability.
Sincand integer Number of candidates
Sierror integer Sinistra error code (0=OK)
Siprob(SiNcand) real Electron Probability
Sipos(3,SiNcand) real CAL+HES+SRTD position
Sicalpos(3,SiNcand) real CAL position
Sicalene(SiNcand) real Electron calorimeter energy
Siein(SiNcand) real Electron energy in Cone
Sienin(SiNcand) real Energy in Cone not from electron
Siecorr(3,SiNcand) real Corrected energy from emEnergyCorrection5.fpp (note: the description of variables in the code is wrong)
Siecorr(1) =
FCAL: Electron energy corrected using dead material map
BCAL: Electron energy corrected using dead material map
RCAL: Electron energy corrected for nonuniformities
Siecorr(2) =
FCAL: same as Siecorr(1)
BCAL: corrected using BPRES
RCAL: Siecorr(1) also corrected for dead material
Siecorr(3) =
FCAL: Siecorr(2) also corrected for nonuniformities
BCAL: Siecorr(1) also corrected for nonuniformities
RCAL: same as Siecorr(2)
Sith(SiNcand) real Theta calculated from SiPos
Siph(SiNcand) real Phi calculated from SiPos
Sipt(SiNcand) real Pt calculated from SiPos
Sixdet(3,SiNcand) integer 1=CAL,2=HES,3=SRTD used in x pos (0=no,1=yes)
Siydet(3,SiNcand) integer 1=CAL,2=HES,3=SRTD used in y pos (0=no,1=yes)
Block: SI_TRK
Sitrknr(SiNcand) integer Track number in VCTRHL
Sinrsl(SiNcand) integer Number of hit Super Layers
Sidca(SiNcand) real Distance of Closest Approach
Sitrkp(SiNcand) real Momentum of the track
Sitrkth(SiNcand) real Theta of the track
Sitrkph(SiNcand) real Phi calculated at the beg. of the trakc
Sitrkq(SiNcand) real Charge of the track
Sitrkdme(SiNcand) real distance to module edge (cm) from Track
Sitrkpos(3,SiNcand) real extrapolated track position
Block: SI_DET
Sisrtf(SiNcand) integer SRTD Error Flag
Sisrtquad(SiNcand) integer SRTD Quadrant
Sihesf(SiNcand) integer HES Error Flag
Sicorrcode(SiNcand) integer energy correction code from emenergycorrection5.fpp
1= dead material map
2= SRTD using routine PresCorF
3= Rear Presampler using routine PresCorF
4= Rear Presampler using routine prcorr_3
5= Barrel Presampler using routine EeCorrBCAL
Sisrtpos(2,SiNcand) real Position of the electron in the SRTD
Sisrtene(SiNcand) real SRTD Energy
Sihespos(2,SiNcand) real Electron position on the HES (only x and y)
Sihesene(SiNcand) real HES Energy
Sihesr(SiNcand) real HES Ratio??
Siprsene(3,SiNcand) real Electron presampler energy in 3 windows
Block: SI_HAD
Siccet(SiNcand) real Et from CorAndCut
Siccempz(SiNcand) real E-Pz from CorAndCut
Sietamax(SiNcand) real EtaMax from Condensates
Sicehmom(4,SiNcand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (cells)
Sizuhmom(4,SiNcand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (Zufos)
Sicchmom(4,SiNcand) real Hadronic 4-momentum (CorandCut)
Block: SI_KIN
Sixel(SiNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with electron method
Siyel(SiNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with electron method
Siq2el(SiNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with electron method
Sixda(SiNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
Siyda(SiNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
Siq2da(SiNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with double-angle method based on zufos
Sixda_cell(SiNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with double-angle method based on cells
Siyda_cell(SiNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with double-angle method based on cells
Siq2da_cell(SiNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with double-angle method based on cells
Sixjb(SiNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
Siyjb(SiNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
Siq2jb(SiNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on zufos
Sixjb_cell(SiNcand) real x Bjorken calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
Siyjb_cell(SiNcand) real inelasticity y calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
Siq2jb_cell(SiNcand) real virtuality Q2 calculated with Jacquet-Blondel method based on cells
Six0(SiNcand) real number of X0's from the dead mateiral map
Sidmcorr(SiNcand) real dead material correction from parametrization
defined as E_CAL / E_true
Sidmcorrcode(SiNcand) integer 0 = dead material correction ok
1 = dead material correction too large
2 = dead material correction unusable
Block: SIUVF
Siuvf_ncand integer number of candidates in UVF
Siuvf_charge(siuvf_ncand) integer Charge set in control cards (-1 for electron runs, +1 for positron runs)
Siuvf_result(siuvf_ncand) integer result of electron validation by UVF
1 - positive (road overlaps at least one CTD layer and at least 60% of layers are hit. Moreover at least 45% of MVD layers that road overlaps are hit. Roads with 0 MVD layers overlapped are accepted.)
0 - negative
Siuvf_nmvd(siuvf_ncand) integer N of ladders (inner/outer) overlapped by the road
Siuvf_nmvdhit(siuvf_ncand) integer N of ladders (inner/outer) with hits (overlapped by the road)
Siuvf_nctd(siuvf_ncand) integer N of layers overlapped by the road
Siuvf_nctdhit(siuvf_ncand) integer N of layers with hits (overlapped by the road)
Block: BPRES
Nbpchn integer number of BPRE channels with signals [0:432]
Bpmip(nBPchn) real channel energy in Mip
Bpxyz(3,nBPchn) real channel X,Y,Z position
Block: BPRES2
Bptim(nBPchn) real channel timing
Tsu_halo logical Does Tsubame think it's a BCAL halo muon?
Block: V0lite
Nv0lite integer number of V0lite candidates
Tsecvtx(3,nv0lite) real Secondary Vertex
Tsecvtx_chi(nv0lite) real chi2 from VXlite
Tsecvtx_dca(nv0lite) real DCA from VXlite
Tsecvtx_collin2(nv0lite) real 2D collinearity
Tsecvtx_collin3(nv0lite) real 3D collinearity
Tsecvtx_dlen2(nv0lite) real 2D decay length
Tsecvtx_dlen3(nv0lite) real 3D decay length
Tq1(nv0lite) integer Charge T1
Tq2(nv0lite) integer Charge T2
Tt1_layinn(nv0lite) integer CTD inner superlayer T1
Tt1_layout(nv0lite) integer CTD out superlayer T1
Tt2_layinn(nv0lite) integer CTD inner superlayer T2
Tt2_layout(nv0lite) integer CTD out superlayer T2
Tt1_id(nv0lite) integer VCTRHL or ZTTRHL track ID
Tt2_id(nv0lite) integer VCTRHL or ZTTRHL track ID track[2]"
Tstt1(nv0lite) integer number of STT hits for track 1
Tstt2(nv0lite) integer number of STT hits for track 1
Tmindca(nv0lite) real minimal dca of pair of track
Tt1_ndof(nv0lite) integer Number of degrees of freedom T1
Tt2_ndof(nv0lite) integer Number of degrees of freedom T2
Tp1(3,nv0lite) real track momenta
Tp2(3,nv0lite) real track momenta
Tpk(3,nv0lite) real candidate momenta
Tinvmass_lambda(nv0lite) real invarinat masses Lambda
Tinvmass_alambda(nv0lite) real invarinat masses Alambda
Tinvmass_k0(nv0lite) real invariant mass K0s
Tinvmass_ee(nv0lite) real invariant mass e+/e-
Block: V0true
Nv0true integer number v0
V0true_prt(nv0true) integer Prt of V0
V0true_id(nv0true) integer FMCkin id of v0
V0true_daughterprt(2,nv0true) integer prt of daughters
V0true_daughterid(2,nv0true) integer fmckin id daughters
V0true_p(4,nv0true) real 4-mom of V0
V0true_daughter4p(2,4,nv0true) real 4-mom daughters
V0true_daughterp(2,nv0true) real momentum(P) of daughters
V0true_daughterphi(2,nv0true) real azimuthal angle of daughters
V0true_daughtertheta(2,nv0true) real polar angle of daughters
V0true_vtxpos(3,nv0true) real position vtx
Block: Vertex
Ntrkvtx integer Number of tracks fitting vertex
which vertex is stored is determined by the
first argument on the ORANGE-TRACKING card
(CTD or REG or ZTT)
Xvtx real vertex x (VCTVTX_V(1) or ZTVTXPRM_V(1)); 0 if no vertex
Yvtx real vertex y (VCTVTX_V(2) or ZTVTXPRM_V(2)); 0 if no vertex
Zvtx real vertex z (VCTVTX_V(3) or ZTVTXPRM_V(3)); 0 if no vertex
Nsecvtx integer Nr. of secondary vertices in VCVTXSEC or ZTVTXSEC
Xsecvtx(Nsecvtx) real VCVTXSEC_V(1) or ZTVTXSEC_V(1)
Ysecvtx(Nsecvtx) real VCVTXSEC_V(2) or ZTVTXSEC_V(2)
Zsecvtx(Nsecvtx) real VCVTXSEC_V(3) or ZTVTXSEC_V(3)
Chisecvtx(Nsecvtx) real VCTVTXSEC_CHI2/VCTVTXSEC_NDF or
Fetatr real Eta of most forward non-electron track (VCTPAR)
Betatr real Eta of most backward non-electron track (VCTPAR)
Pt_tr real Net pt from CTD (VCTPAR)
Empz_tr_pi real Net E-Pz from CTD (VCTPAR; assume pions)
Et_tr real Net Et of CTD tracks (VCTPAR)
E_tr_pi real Net E from CTD (VCTPAR; assume pions)
Phi_tr real Azimuth of summed CTD track momenta (VCTPAR)
Zvtx_fcal real z vertex position from FCAL timing
Fcal_nrgoodcells integer number of FCAL cells used to determine vertex
Fcal_vzerr real error on the FCAL timing vertex
Block: ZUFOS
V_h_px_zu real hadronic x-momentum using ZUFOs
V_h_py_zu real hadronic y-momentum using ZUFOs
V_h_pz_zu real hadronic z-momentum using ZUFOs
V_h_e_zu real hadronic energy using ZUFOs
Etamax_zu real Eta_max of all ZUFOs
Etamax_zu4 real Eta_max of ZUFOs with E > 400 MeV
Fgap real Forward largest gap edge (ZUFO)
Bgap real Backward largest gap edge (ZUFO)
Nzufos integer Number of ZUFOs
Tufo(4,Nzufos) integer Type/track/island information
tufo(1,i) = 0: 1 track, 0 island. use CTD
1: 1 track, 1 island. use CTD
2: 2 tracks, 1 island. use CTD
3: 3 tracks, 1 island. use CTD
10: 1 track, 1 island, use CTD (z_cal_and_ctd)
12: 1 track, 2 islands. use CTD
22: 2 tracks, 2 islands. use CTD
30: >0 tracks, 1 island. use CAL
31: 0 tracks, 1 island. use CAL
32: 0 tracks, 1 island, leftover CAL energy from type 10
37: 1 track, 2 islands, use CAL+CTD
41: 1 track, 1 island, use CAL E, CTD pos
The modified zufos (muzmat.fpp):
Isolated track zufo
1000 + XX: muon info used instead of track
MIP like zufo:
1100 + XX: muon info used instead of calo
Good muons in jet-like zufos:
100 + XX: jet zufo based on calo: a mip was subtracted to this zufo
2000: muon
Other codes:
2002: mu pointing to zufo based on other tracks
2003: mu not pointing to enough energy to be a mip (bad !!)
300 + xx: object associated to the muon
2004: mu not pointing to any cal object (bad!!)
Isolated track zufo (diszmat.fpp):
3000 + XX: electron info used instead of track
Track matched zufo:
3100 + XX: electron info used instead of calo
tufo(2,i) = track number (see blocks ZUFOTRK and ZUFOTRK2)
tufo(3,i) = island number (see block ZUFO_ISL)
tufo(4,i) = 2nd island number (only for type 12)
Zufo_bsp(Nzufos) integer 1= removed by backsplash cut, else 0
Zufo(4,NZufos) real 4 momentum of ZUFO (px,py,pz,E)
Cufo(Nzufos) real dmco divisor. +: to be applied
Zufoecal(Nzufos) real CAL energy
Zufoeemc(Nzufos) real CAL EMC energy
Block: ZUFO_Sho
Zufo_fmax_bemc(Nzufos) real Zufo fmax in BEMC (most energetic BEMC cell/total zufo energy)
Zufo_fmax_remc(Nzufos) real Zufo fmax in REMC (most energetic REMC cell/total zufo energy)
Zufo_fmax_femc(Nzufos) real Zufo fmax in FEMC (most energetic FEMC cell/total zufo energy)
Zufo_deltax(Nzufos) real Zufo < dx > (energy weighted width in X in FCAL/RCAL)
Zufo_deltay(Nzufos) real Zufo < dy > (energy weighted width in Y in FCAL/RCAL)
Zufo_deltaz(Nzufos) real Zufo < dz > (energy weighted width in Z in BCAL)
Nisl integer Number of Islands after clustering
Nrcisl(nIsl) integer Number of cells in Island
Isltyp(nIsl) integer Isltyp = 1000 for EMC cellIslands (2D)
Isltyp = 2000 for HAC1 cellIslands (2D)
Isltyp = 3000 for HAC2 cellIslands (2D)
Eisl(nIsl) real Energy of Island
Xisl(nIsl) real X Center-of-Gravity (COG) using log weighting
Yisl(nIsl) real Y Center-of-Gravity (COG) using log weighting
Zisl(nIsl) real Z Center-of-Gravity (COG) using log weighting
Risl(nIsl) real Maximum Radius of Island
Nt integer Number of Tracks selected for ZUFOs
Vcthid(nT) integer VCTPAR_ID for prim. vert. tracks
Hlid(nT) integer VCTRHL ID for all used tracks
Qtr(nT) integer charge of the track
Swmtr(nT) integer VCPARCAL_KODSWM/VCATCAL_KODSWM (prim/nonprim)
Qlttr(nT) integer quality of the track (0,1,2), see z_trks.fpp
Mtri(nT) integer number of Islands matched to the track
Wtri(10,nT) integer addresses of matched Islands in ZUFO_ISL
Ptr(nT) real Track momentum
Dptr(nT) real Error on track momentum
Thtr(nT) real Theta of the track
Phtr(nT) real Phi of the track
Dist_istr(nT) real DCA to the closest island
Block: Tracking
Trk_ntracks integer total number of tracks in the tracking block [0,300]
Trk_type(trk_ntracks) integer type of track : 1 = VCTRACK CTD only
3 = ZTT
Ntrack_type(4) integer number of tracks of one type
Def_trk_type integer default track type
Trk_id(trk_ntracks) integer ID of the track in VCTRHL (for VCT)
or in ZTTRHL (for ZTT)
Trk_id2(trk_ntracks) integer ID of the track in ZTTRHL (for VCT) ; 0 if no
or in VCTRHL (for ZTT) ; 0 if no
Trk_px(trk_ntracks) real Px at start (at vertex for vertex tracks)
Trk_py(trk_ntracks) real Py at start (at vertex for vertex tracks)
Trk_pz(trk_ntracks) real Pz at start (at vertex for vertex tracks)
Trk_charge(trk_ntracks) real Charge
Block: Trk_vtx
Trk_vtx(trk_ntracks) integer VCTVTX_ID for tracks on primary
VCVTXSEC_ID for tracks on secondary
else -1
Trk_prim_vtx(trk_ntracks) logical 1 if fitted to primary,
else 0
Trk_sec_vtx(trk_ntracks) logical 1 if fitted to secondary,
else 0
Trk_vxid(trk_ntracks) integer for VC tracking:
VCTPAR_ID for primary vertex tracks
VCPARSEC_ID for secondary vertex tracks
zero for non-vertex tracks
for ZTT tracking:
ZTTRPRM_ID for primary vertex tracks
ZTTRSEC_ID for secondary vertex tracks
zero for non-vertex tracks
Block: Trk_qual
Trk_nzbyt(trk_ntracks) integer number of z-by-timing hits
Trk_naxial(trk_ntracks) integer number of axial hits
Trk_nstereo(trk_ntracks) integer number of stereo hits
Trk_ndof(trk_ntracks) integer number of degrees of freedom
Trk_layinner(trk_ntracks) integer Inner superlayer
Trk_layouter(trk_ntracks) integer Outer superlayer
Trk_dedxctd(trk_ntracks) real dE/dx from CTD (VCTRHL_dEdx)
Trk_dedxctdcr(trk_ntracks) real >0 : corrected dE/dx from CTD
In case of MC:
Randomly generated dE/dx distributed according
to real DATA (instead using GEANT)
Only valid for HERA I run periods at the moment
0 : aint(VCTRHL_dEdx)
-1 : corrections failed
-10 : uncorrected dE/dx is 0
-100 : no dE/dx calibration for this run
Trk_dedxctderr(trk_ntracks) integer error/warning code for CTD dE/dx value
Positive values are errors; trk_dedxctdcr cannot be used for such
tracks. Negative values are warnings. They are the sum of the following
warning reasons:
-1: pt < 180 MeV
-2: mean psi prime bigger than 0.6
-4: number of used hits for dE/dx calculation < 10
-8: less than 30% of the passed wires are used for dE/dx calculation
Trk_dedxctdnh(trk_ntracks) integer number of hits used for dE/dx
(saturated FADC pulses subtracted)
Trk_dedxctdsaturated(trk_ntracks) integer number of saturated hits (not) used for dE/dx
Trk_chi2(trk_ntracks) real VCTRHL_Chi2
Trk_vchi2(trk_ntracks) real VCTPar_Chi2 or VCParSec_Chi2 or -1
Block: Trk_MVD
Trk_nbr(trk_ntracks) integer number of barrel MVD r hits
Trk_nbz(trk_ntracks) integer number of barrel MVD z hits
Trk_nwu(trk_ntracks) integer number of u hits in MVD wheels
Trk_nwv(trk_ntracks) integer number of v hits in MVD wheels
Trk_nstt(trk_ntracks) integer number of STT hits
Trk_dedxmvd(trk_ntracks) real dE/dx from the MVD
Block: Trk_imp
Trk_imppar(trk_ntracks) real track's 2D impact parameter calculated from
with respect to the reference (z corrected beamspot from bspot block)
Trk_imperr(trk_ntracks) real Error in impact parameter
Trk_pca(3,trk_ntracks) real (x,y,z) position of the point of closest approach
Block: Trk_vert
Trk_nvert integer total number of vertices in the tracking block [0,120]
Vtx_type(trk_nvert) integer type of vertex : 1 = VCTRACK CTD only
3 = ZTT
Vtx_prim(trk_nvert) integer 1 for primary vertex, else 0
Vtx_id(trk_nvert) integer ID of the vertex in
Vtx_x(trk_nvert) real vertex X
Vtx_y(trk_nvert) real vertex Y
Vtx_z(trk_nvert) real vertex Z
Vtx_chi2(trk_nvert) real vertex Chi**2
Vtx_ndf(trk_nvert) integer vertex NDF
Block: TrkMcMat
Mcmatfmckin_id(trk_ntracks) integer FMCKIN_ID of Matched MC particle
Mcmatpx(trk_ntracks) real FMCKIN_PX of Matched MC particle
Mcmatpy(trk_ntracks) real FMCKIN_PY of Matched MC particle
Mcmatpz(trk_ntracks) real FMCKIN_PZ of Matched MC particle
Mcmate(trk_ntracks) real FMCKIN_Energy of Matched MC particle
Mcmatm(trk_ntracks) real FMCKIN_Mass of Matched MC particle
Mcmatcharge(trk_ntracks) real FMCKIN_Charge of Matched MC particle
Mcmatquality(trk_ntracks) integer Quality of Match
1 = GOOD Match
-1 = Not very good Match
-9999 = NO Match
Mcmattype(trk_ntracks) integer Particle type FMCKIN_FMCPRT
Mcmatsvert_x(trk_ntracks) real X Secondary Vertex of FMCKIN particle
Mcmatsvert_y(trk_ntracks) real Y Secondary Vertex of FMCKIN particle
Mcmatsvert_z(trk_ntracks) real Z Secondary Vertex of FMCKIN particle
Mcmatmother(trk_ntracks) integer FMCKIN_ID of Mother of Matched MC particle
Mcmatmother_px(trk_ntracks) real Mother PX
Mcmatmother_py(trk_ntracks) real Mother PY
Mcmatmother_pz(trk_ntracks) real Mother PZ
Mcmatmother_e(trk_ntracks) real Mother Energy
Mcmatmother_m(trk_ntracks) real Mother Mass
Mcmatmother_prt(trk_ntracks) real Mother Particle type FMCKIN_FMCPRT
ERROR code on all variables is -9999
Sltctd logical .true. if CouTab(TCSGEV).gt.0
Sltctd_tgstkf integer Number tracks sent to GSLT (TCSGEV)
Sltctd_tgstkm integer Number of unmatched segments (TCSGEV)
Sltctd_tgstkr integer Number of tracks found (TCSGEV)
Sltctd_tgsvxp(2) real Event vertex position (z,r) (cm) (TCSGEV)
Sltctd_tgsvxe real Event z-vertex error (cm) (TCSGEV)
Sltctd_tgsvxm integer Number of tracks from vertex (TCSGEV)
Sltctd_tgstkd integer Track definition flag (TCSGEV)
Sltctd_ntrk integer Number of tracks CouTab(TCSGTK)
Sltctd_pt(sltctd_nTrk) real transverse momentum (GeV/c) (TCSGTK)
Sltctd_ch(sltctd_nTrk) integer Charge (TCSGTK)
Sltctd_vx(sltctd_nTrk) real vertex position (z in cm) (TCSGTK)
Sltctd_ns(sltctd_nTrk) real Number of segments (TCSGTK)
Sltctd_ex(sltctd_nTrk) real Exit point (x) (TCSGTK)
Sltctd_ey(sltctd_nTrk) real Exit point (y) (TCSGTK)
Sltctd_ez(sltctd_nTrk) real Exit point (z) (TCSGTK)
Sltctd_phi(sltctd_nTrk) real Exit direction (phi) (TCSGTK)
Sltctd_the(sltctd_nTrk) real Exit direction (cot(theta)) (TCSGTK)
Block: GTTRK1
Ngttrk1 integer number of GTT tarcks
Gttrk1_r(nGTTRK1) real track radius
Gttrk1_pt(nGTTRK1) real track PT
Gttrk1_theta(nGTTRK1) real track theta
Gttrk1_phi(nGTTRK1) real track phi
Gttrk1_zvert(nGTTRK1) real track z-vertex position
Gttrk1_zgrad(nGTTRK1) real track z-path length gradient
Gttrk1_naxseg(nGTTRK1) integer number of axial segments
Gttrk1_nstseg(nGTTRK1) integer number of stereo segments
Gttrk1_nrmvd(nGTTRK1) integer number of MVD r-phi hits
Gttrk1_nzmvd(nGTTRK1) integer number of MVD z hits
Gttrk1_isl(nGTTRK1) integer inner CTD superlayer
Gttrk1_osl(nGTTRK1) integer outer CTD superlayer
Gttrk1_chiax(nGTTRK1) real Chisq of axial fit
Gttrk1_chist(nGTTRK1) real Chisq of z fit
Gttrk1_vertid(nGTTRK1) integer Pointer to the vertex to which the track
is assigned, if any
Block: GTVTX
Ngtvtx integer number of GTT vertices
Gtvtx_pos(3,nGTVTX) real vertex x,y and z positions
Gtvtx_width(3,nGTVTX) real vertex widths in x,y,z
Gtvtx_ntrax(nGTVTX) integer Number of tracks associated with vertex
Gtvtx_flag1(nGTVTX) integer generic flag
Gtvtx_flag2(nGTVTX) integer generic flag
Gtbevt_nvert integer number of vertices
(-1 if no GTBEVT table)
Gtbevt_prvert(3) real primary vertex position x,y,z
Gtbevt_pvertwdth(3) real primary vertex width x,y,z
Gtbevt_ntrax integer number of tracks
Gtbevt_naxtrax integer number of axial-only tracks
Gtbevt_nvtxtrax integer number of tracks used in vertex
Gtbevt_nwts integer total Number of weights on all tracks
Gtbevt_nvtxwts integer total number of weights on vertex tracks
Gtbevt_nctdtrax integer number of tracks without MVD hits
Gtbevt_flag1 integer barrel algorithm bits
Gtbevt_flag2 integer background bits
Gtbevt_flag3 integer environment bits, time-limit etc
Gtbevt_flag4 integer spare bits
Vcatcal_n integer Number of entries in VCATCAL table
Vcatcal_q(vcatcal_n) integer Charge of track
Vcatcal_x(3,vcatcal_n) real (x, y, z) position at end of swim
Vcatcal_p(3,vcatcal_n) real Momentum (Px, Py, Pz) at end of swim
Nchvtx integer number of useful vertex
Chvtxpar(3,nchvtx) real x,y,z of vertex
Chvtxcov(6,nchvtx) real covariances
Chchi2(nchvtx) real chi2
Nchds1 integer number of found D* candidates [0,50]
Ds1ms(nchds1) real delta_M, *(-1.) for wrong charge combinations
Ds1pm(nchds1) real P(D*)
Ds1th(nchds1) real Theta(D*)
Ds1ph(nchds1) real Phi(D*)
D1d0ms(nchds1) real M(D0), *(-1.) for wrong charge combinations
D1d0pm(nchds1) real P(D0)
D1d0th(nchds1) real Theta(D0)
D1d0ph(nchds1) real Phi(D0)
D1kapm(nchds1) real P(K) * (track's sign)
D1kath(nchds1) real Theta(K)
D1kaph(nchds1) real Phi(K)
D1pipm(nchds1) real P(pi) * (track's sign)
D1pith(nchds1) real Theta(pi)
D1piph(nchds1) real Phi(pi)
D1pspm(nchds1) real P(pi-s) * (track's sign)
D1psth(nchds1) real Theta(pi-s)
D1psph(nchds1) real Phi(pi-s)
Block: DS1SH_RV
Ds1trk(nchds1) integer track type: 1 : CTD, 2: REG, 3: ZTT
Tds1ka(nchds1) integer adress of the K track in Tracking
Tds1pi(nchds1) integer adress of the pi track in Tracking
Tds1ps(nchds1) integer adress of the pi-s track in Tracking
Id1d0vtx(nchds1) integer adress of 2ndry vertex in CHARMVTX
Ids1rprm(nchds1) integer adress of reduced primary vertex in CHARMVTX
Block: DSTAR2
Nchds2 integer number of found D* candidates [0,5000]
Ds2ms(nchds2) real delta_M, *(-1.) for wrong charge combinations
Ds2pm(nchds2) real P(D*)
Ds2th(nchds2) real Theta(D*)
Ds2ph(nchds2) real Phi(D*)
D2d0ms(nchds2) real M(D0), *(-1.) if D0 charge does not equal 0
D2d0pm(nchds2) real P(D0)
D2d0th(nchds2) real Theta(D0)
D2d0ph(nchds2) real Phi(D0)
D2kapm(nchds2) real P(K) * (track's sign)
D2kath(nchds2) real Theta(K)
D2kaph(nchds2) real Phi(K)
D2p1pm(nchds2) real P(pi-1) * (track's sign)
D2p1th(nchds2) real Theta(pi-1)
D2p1ph(nchds2) real Phi(pi-1)
D2p2pm(nchds2) real P(pi-2) * (track's sign)
D2p2th(nchds2) real Theta(pi-2)
D2p2ph(nchds2) real Phi(pi-2)
D2p3pm(nchds2) real P(pi-3) * (track's sign)
D2p3th(nchds2) real Theta(pi-3)
D2p3ph(nchds2) real Phi(pi-3)
D2pspm(nchds2) real P(pi-s) * (track's sign)
D2psth(nchds2) real Theta(pi-s)
D2psph(nchds2) real Phi(pi-s)
Block: DS2_RV
Ds2trk(nchds2) integer track type: 1 : CTD, 2: REG, 3: ZTT
Tds2ka(nchds2) integer adress of the K track in Tracking
Tds2p1(nchds2) integer adress of the pi-1 track in Tracking
Tds2p2(nchds2) integer adress of the pi-2 track in Tracking
Tds2p3(nchds2) integer adress of the pi-3 track in Tracking
Tds2ps(nchds2) integer adress of the pi-s track in Tracking
Id2d0vtx(nchds2) integer adress of 2nd vertex in Charmvtx
Ids2rprm(nchds2) integer adress of 1st vertex in Charmvtx
Ds2rin(nchds2) integer integer number, unique for each combination of Kpi-1pi-2pi-3
e.g. combinations
have same ds2rin
D2maxdca(nchds2) real maximal dca between tracks Kpi-1pi-2pi-3
Nchd0 integer number of found D0 candidates [0,50]
D0ms(nchd0) real M(D0)
D0pm(nchd0) real P(D0)
D0th(nchd0) real Theta(D0)
D0ph(nchd0) real Phi(D0)
D0kapm(nchd0) real P(K) * (track's sign)
D0kath(nchd0) real Theta(K)
D0kaph(nchd0) real Phi(K)
D0pipm(nchd0) real P(pi) * (track's sign)
D0pith(nchd0) real Theta(pi)
D0piph(nchd0) real Phi(pi)
Nchdch integer number of found D+/- candidates [0,200]
Dchms(nchdch) real M(D+/-)
Dchpm(nchdch) real P(D+/-)
Dchth(nchdch) real Theta(D+/-)
Dchph(nchdch) real Phi(D+/-)
Dckapm(nchdch) real P(K) * (track's sign)
Dckath(nchdch) real Theta(K)
Dckaph(nchdch) real Phi(K)
Dcp1pm(nchdch) real P(pi-1) * (track's sign)
Dcp1th(nchdch) real Theta(pi-1)
Dcp1ph(nchdch) real Phi(pi-1)
Dcp2pm(nchdch) real P(pi-2) * (track's sign)
Dcp2th(nchdch) real Theta(pi-2)
Dcp2ph(nchdch) real Phi(pi-2)
Dchtrk(nchdch) integer track type: 1 : CTD, 2: REG, 3: ZTT
Tdchka(nchdch) integer adress of the K track in Tracking
Tdchp1(nchdch) integer adress of the pi-1 track in Tracking
Tdchp2(nchdch) integer adress of the pi-2 track in Tracking
Idchvtx(nchdch) integer adress of 2ndry vertex in CHARMVTX
Idchrprm(nchdch) integer adress of reduced primary vertex in CHARMVTX
Nchdla integer number of found Lambda_c+/- candidates [0,100]
Dlams(nchdla) real M(Lambda_c)
Dlapm(nchdla) real P(Lambda_c)
Dlath(nchdla) real Theta(Lambda_c)
Dlaph(nchdla) real Phi(Lambda_c)
Dlkapm(nchdla) real P(K) * (track's sign)
Dlkath(nchdla) real Theta(K)
Dlkaph(nchdla) real Phi(K)
Dlprpm(nchdla) real P(p) * (track's sign)
Dlprth(nchdla) real Theta(p)
Dlprph(nchdla) real Phi(p)
Dlpipm(nchdla) real P(pi) * (track's sign)
Dlpith(nchdla) real Theta(pi)
Dlpiph(nchdla) real Phi(pi)
Dlatrk(nchdla) integer track type: 1 : CTD, 2: REG, 3: ZTT
Tdlaka(nchdla) integer adress of the K track in Tracking
Tdlapr(nchdla) integer adress of the p track in Tracking
Tdlapi(nchdla) integer adress of the pi track in Tracking
Idlavtx(nchdla) integer adress of 2ndry vertex in CHARMVTX
Idlarprm(nchdla) integer adress of reduced primary vertex in CHARMVTX
Block: DSSSH
Nchdss integer number of found D_s candidates [0,50]
Dssms(nchdss) real M(D_s)
Dsspm(nchdss) real P(D_s)
Dssth(nchdss) real Theta(D_s)
Dssph(nchdss) real Phi(D_s)
Dsphms(nchdss) real M(Phi)
Dsphpm(nchdss) real P(Phi)
Dsphth(nchdss) real Theta(Phi)
Dsphph(nchdss) real Phi(Phi)
Dsk1pm(nchdss) real P(K+) * (track's sign)
Dsk1th(nchdss) real Theta(K+)
Dsk1ph(nchdss) real Phi(K+)
Dsk2pm(nchdss) real P(K-) * (track's sign)
Dsk2th(nchdss) real Theta(K-)
Dsk2ph(nchdss) real Phi(K-)
Dspipm(nchdss) real P(pi) * (track's sign)
Dspith(nchdss) real Theta(pi)
Dspiph(nchdss) real Phi(pi)
Dsstrk(nchdss) integer track type: 1 : CTD, 2: REG, 3: ZTT
Tdssk1(nchdss) integer adress of the K+ track in Tracking
Tdssk2(nchdss) integer adress of the K- track in Tracking
Tdsspi(nchdss) integer adress of the pi track in Tracking
Idssvtx(nchdss) integer adress of 2ndry vertex in CHARMVTX
Idssrprm(nchdss) integer adress of reduced primary vertex in CHARMVTX
Block: DOSH_RV
D0trk(nchd0) integer track type: 1 : CTD, 2: REG, 3: ZTT
Td0ka(nchd0) integer adress of the K track in Tracking
Td0pi(nchd0) integer adress of the pi track in Tracking
Id0vtx(nchd0) integer adress of 2ndry vertex in CHARMVTX
Id0rprm(nchd0) integer adress of reduced primary vertex in CHARMVTX
Gt_nvt integer number of vertices
Gt_ntrk integer number of tracks
Gt_naxtr integer number of axial only tracks
Gt_nvtx integer number of vertex tracks
Gt_nctdt integer number of tracks without CTD
Gt_f1 integer barrel algorithm bits
Gt_f2 integer background bits
Gt_f3 integer environment bits, time-limit etc.
Gt_f4 integer spare bits
Gt_prv(3) real primary vertex position x,y,z
Gt_prvw(3) real primary vertex width x,y,z
Gt_pt(2) real 2 highest pt tracks
Gt_sptvtx real sum of the pt of the vertex fitted tracks
Gt_ctd_size integer CTD data size as received by GSLT online
Gt_bckg real beamgas word
Gt_mass real J/psi candidate mass
Gt_ptd0 real pt of D0 candidate
Gt_nvt_mvd integer number of vertices CTD+MVD algo result
Gt_ntrk_mvd integer number of tracks CTD+MVD algo result
Gt_nvtx_mvd integer number of vertex tracks CTD+MVD algo result
Gt_prv_mvd(3) real primary vertex position x,y,z CTD+MVD algo result
Gt_prvw_mvd(3) real primary vertex width x,y,z CTD+MVD algo result
Gt_sptvtx_mvd real sum of the pt of the vertex fitted tracks
Block: BSPOT
Bspt_prog integer program:
0 = for MC, HERA I data or no beam spot info
1 = beam spot quantities from default GAF (dataflow BeamSpot2)
2 = beam spot quantities from BSGAFLD
(default GAF returns error)
Bspt_x real beamspot x position
Bspt_y real beamspot y position
Bspt_z real beamspot z position
Bspt_xer real error on x position (sigma, if bspt_prog = 2)
Bspt_yer real error on y position (sigma, if bspt_prog = 2)
Bspt_zer real error on z position (sigma, if bspt_prog = 2)
Bspt_dxdz real slope dxdz
Bspt_dydz real slope dydz
Bspt_dxdzer real error on dxdz
Bspt_dydzer real error on dydz
Bspt_xoff real x offset
Bspt_yoff real y offset
Bspt_xoffer real error on x offset
Bspt_yoffer real error on y offset
Block: cbtrue
Ncb integer number of c/b particles
Cb_id(ncb) integer fmckin_id of the c/b paticle
Cb_mother(ncb) integer fmckin_id of c/b mother (0 if none or proton)
Cb_daughter(ncb) integer fmckin_id of c/b daughter (0 if none)
Cb_daughter2(ncb) integer fmckin_id of 2nd c/b daughter (0 if none)
Cb_prt(ncb) integer prt of c/b particle
Nlight_daughters(ncb) integer number of light daughters of the c/b particle
Plight_daughters(ncb) integer pointer into light daughter list:
light_dau_id(k+Plight_daughters(i)) =
the FMCKin_ID of the k-th light daughter of the
i-th c/b particle
Cb_p(5,ncb) real Px,Py,Pz,E,Mass of the c/b particle
Tot_daughters integer total number of light daughters from all c/b particles
Light_dau_id(tot_daughters) integer FMCKin_ID for light daughter
Light_dau_index(tot_daughters) integer index in Part_id in for light daughter
Block: tg6rec2
T6rec_hotx integer index of x position of hottest cell (calibrated)
T6rec_hoty integer index of y position of hottest cell (calibrated)
T6rec_ene real reconstructed energy
T6rec_x real reconstructed x position
T6rec_y real reconstructed y position
Block: tg6true
T6true_e real true tagger energy in GeV
T6true_x real true tagger x position in cm
T6true_y real true tagger y position in cm
T6true_z real true tagger z position in cm
T6true_theta real true theta angle
T6true_phi real true phi angle
T6true_nel real electron index
T6true_dpxdp_surf real electron dpx/dp at 6m tagger surface
T6true_dpydp_surf real electron dpy/dp at 6m tagger surface
T6true_dpzdp_surf real electron dpz/dp at 6m tagger surface
Nr_secvtx integer number of sec.vtx (for each jet/axis --> 1 sec.vtx)
Vtxsec_type(nr_secvtx) integer type of the reference axis
Vtxsec_ref(nr_secvtx) integer reference to the axis (e.g. number of jet in block)
Vtxsec_x(nr_secvtx) real x-coordinate of sec.vtx
Vtxsec_y(nr_secvtx) real y-coordinate of sec.vtx
Vtxsec_z(nr_secvtx) real z-coordinate of sec.vtx
Vtxsec_mass(nr_secvtx) real inv.mass of sec.vtx
Vtxsec_chi2(nr_secvtx) real chi2 of sec.vtx
Vtxsec_ndf(nr_secvtx) real ndf of sec.vtx
Vtxsec_multi(nr_secvtx) integer multiplicity in sec.vtx (nr of fitted trks)
Vtxsec_cov(6,nr_secvtx) real covariance matrix
Vtxsec_zttid(15,nr_secvtx) integer ZTT Ids of tracks fitted to each sec. vtx
Vtxsec_weight(15,nr_secvtx) real weights of the tracks from DAF
Vtxsec_redprm(nr_secvtx) integer reduced primary vertex fitted
Nr_redprim integer number of reduced primary vertex
Vtxredprim_type(nr_redprim) integer type of the reduced primary vertex
Vtxredprim_secvtx(10,nr_redprim) integer sec. vertices excl. when red. primary was fitted
Vtxredprim_x(nr_redprim) real x-coordinate of reduced prim vtx
Vtxredprim_y(nr_redprim) real y-coordinate of reduced prim vtx
Vtxredprim_z(nr_redprim) real z-coordinate of reduced prim vtx
Vtxredprim_chi2(nr_redprim) real chi2 of reduced prim vtx
Vtxredprim_cov(6,nr_redprim) real covariant matrix of reduced prim vtx
Vtxredprim_ndf(nr_redprim) real ndf of reduced prim vtx
Pseudo_thrust real pseudo-thrust for photoproduction
Thrust_axis_phi real phi of thrust axis
Thrust_axis_theta1 real theta of thrust axis 1
Thrust_axis_theta2 real theta of thrust axis 2
Dis_pseudo_thrust_breit real pseudo-thrust for DIS
Thrust_axis_phi_breit real phi of thrust axis in Breit frame
Thrust_axis_theta1_breit real theta of thrust axis 1 in Breit frame
Thrust_axis_theta2_breit real theta of thrust axis 2 in Breit frame
Thrust_axis_phi1_lab real phi of thrust axis 1 in Lab frame
Thrust_axis_phi2_lab real phi of thrust axis 2 in Lab frame
Thrust_axis_theta1_lab real theta of thrust axis 1 in Lab frame
Thrust_axis_theta2_lab real theta of thrust axis 2 in Lab frame
Block: InsEvShA
Q2prime_a real Virtuality Q'^{2} (by using ZUFOs and KT-Jettype A.): Analogon to the photon-virtuality Q^{2}. After the emitted photon splits into a qqbar - pair, the into the subprocess incoming quark q' is virtual, which can be described by this variable. Interesting especially for instanton - events.
Isotropy_a real Isotropy (by using ZUFOs and KT-Jettype A): By reconstructing a band in the eta-phi-plane one can boost the particles into the quark-gluon system. The isotropy describes, if the particles are evenly (isotropically) distributed in the band (value close to 0) or dijet-like (value close to 1).
Part_band_a real The amount of particles in the band (zufos) by using ZUFOs and KT-Jettype A.
Sphericity_a real Sphericity (by using ZUFOs and KT-Jettype A): Describes the distribution of the particles for each event, if the particles are evenly (spherically) distributed, the sphericity is close to 1, for dijet-like behaviour, the value of the sphericity is close to 0.
Block: InsEvShB
Q2prime_b real Virtuality Q'^{2} (by using ZUFOs): Analogon to the photon-virtuality Q^{2}. After the emitted photon splits into a qqbar - pair, the into the subprocess incoming quark q' is virtual, which can be described by this variable. Interesting especially for instanton - events.
Isotropy_b real Isotropy (by using ZUFOs): By reconstructing a band in the eta-phi-plane one can boost the particles into the quark-gluon system. The isotropy describes, if the particles are evenly (isotropically) distributed in the band (value close to 0) or dijet-like (value close to 1).
Part_band_b real The amount of particles in the band (zufos) by using ZUFOs.
Sphericity_b real Sphericity (by using ZUFOs): Describes the distribution of the particles for each event, if the particles are evenly (spherically) distributed, the sphericity is close to 1, for dijet-like behaviour, the value of the sphericity is close to 0.
Block: Trkmsa
Trkmsa_ntracks integer total number of tracks in the trkmsa block [0,200]
Trkmsa_id(trkmsa_ntracks) integer ID of the track in ZTPRHL
Trkmsa_px(trkmsa_ntracks) real Px at start
Trkmsa_py(trkmsa_ntracks) real Py at start
Trkmsa_pz(trkmsa_ntracks) real Pz at start
Trkmsa_charge(trkmsa_ntracks) real Charge
Trkmsa_ndof(trkmsa_ntracks) integer # of degrees of freedom
Trkmsa_chi2(trkmsa_ntracks) real Chisquare
Block: Tmsa_MVD
Trkmsa_nbr(trkmsa_ntracks) integer number of barrel MVD r hits
Trkmsa_nbz(trkmsa_ntracks) integer number of barrel MVD z hits
Trkmsa_nwu(trkmsa_ntracks) integer number of u hits in MVD wheels
Trkmsa_nwv(trkmsa_ntracks) integer number of v hits in MVD wheels
Trkmsa_dedxmvd(trkmsa_ntracks) real dE/dx from the MVD
Block: Tmsa_imp
Trkmsa_imppar(trkmsa_ntracks) real 2D impact parameter calculated
with respect to the reference (z corrected beamspot from bspot block)
Trkmsa_imperr(trkmsa_ntracks) real Error in impact parameter
Trkmsa_pca(3,trkmsa_ntracks) real (x,y,z) position of the point of closest approach
Block: TmsaMcMa
Msamcmatfmckin_id(trkmsa_ntracks) integer FMCKIN_ID of Matched MC particle
Msamcmatpx(trkmsa_ntracks) real FMCKIN_PX of Matched MC particle
Msamcmatpy(trkmsa_ntracks) real FMCKIN_PY of Matched MC particle
Msamcmatpz(trkmsa_ntracks) real FMCKIN_PZ of Matched MC particle
Msamcmate(trkmsa_ntracks) real FMCKIN_Energy of Matched MC particle
Msamcmatm(trkmsa_ntracks) real FMCKIN_Mass of Matched MC particle
Msamcmatcharge(trkmsa_ntracks) real FMCKIN_Charge of Matched MC particle
Msamcmatquality(trkmsa_ntracks) integer Quality of Match
1 = GOOD Match
-1 = Not very good Match
-9999 = NO Match
Msamcmattype(trkmsa_ntracks) integer Particle type FMCKIN_FMCPRT
Msamcmatsvert_x(trkmsa_ntracks) real X Secondary Vertex of FMCKIN particle
Msamcmatsvert_y(trkmsa_ntracks) real Y Secondary Vertex of FMCKIN particle
Msamcmatsvert_z(trkmsa_ntracks) real Z Secondary Vertex of FMCKIN particle
Msamcmatmother(trkmsa_ntracks) integer FMCKIN_ID of Mother of Matched MC particle
Msamcmatmother_px(trkmsa_ntracks) real Mother PX
Msamcmatmother_py(trkmsa_ntracks) real Mother PY
Msamcmatmother_pz(trkmsa_ntracks) real Mother PZ
Msamcmatmother_e(trkmsa_ntracks) real Mother Energy
Msamcmatmother_m(trkmsa_ntracks) real Mother Mass
Msamcmatmother_prt(trkmsa_ntracks) real Mother Particle type FMCKIN_FMCPRT
ERROR code on all variables is -9999
Block: FMCKIN1
Fmck_nkin integer number of entries in FMCKin (FMCKin)
Fmck_q2 real Q**2 derived from exchanged photon
Fmck_w real W derived from exchanged photon
Fmck_xg real x_gamma derived from exchanged photon
Block: FMCKIN2
Fmck_nstor integer number of entries stored in ntuple
Fmck_id(fmck_nstor) integer ID (FMCKin)
Fmck_px(fmck_nstor) real x momentum (FMCKin)
Fmck_py(fmck_nstor) real y momentum (FMCKin)
Fmck_pz(fmck_nstor) real z momentum (FMCKin)
Fmck_e(fmck_nstor) real energy (FMCKin)
Fmck_m(fmck_nstor) real mass (FMCKin)
Fmck_isthep(fmck_nstor) integer ISTHEP (FMCKin)
Fmck_daug(fmck_nstor) integer DaughterOf (FMCKin)
Fmck_daug2(fmck_nstor) integer DaughterOf2 (FMCKin)
Fmck_prt(fmck_nstor) integer FMCprt particle type (FMCKin)
Fmck_prat(fmck_nstor) integer ProducedAt (FMCKin)
Fmck_impar(fmck_nstor) real impact parameter (FMCKin)
Fmck_impar2(fmck_nstor) real 2D impact parameter (FMCKin)
Fmck_hadjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massless hadron MC jet (FMCKin)
Fmck_mhadjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massive hadron MC jet (FMCKin)
Fmck_bhadjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massless hadron MC jet with stable B hadrons (FMCKin)
Fmck_mbhadjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massive hadron MC jet with stable B hadrons (FMCKin)
Fmck_partjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massless parton MC jet (FMCKin)
Fmck_mpartjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massive parton MC jet (FMCKin)
Fmck_brhadjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massless hadron MC breitframe jet (FMCKin)
Fmck_brmhadjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massive hadron MC breitframe jet (FMCKin)
Fmck_brbhadjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massless hadron MC breitframe jet with stable B hadrons (FMCKin)
Fmck_brmbhadjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massive hadron MC breitframe jet with stable B hadrons (FMCKin)
Fmck_brpartjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massless parton MC breitframe jet (FMCKin)
Fmck_brmpartjet(fmck_nstor) integer pointer to massive parton MC breitframe jet (FMCKin)
Fmcf_rm(3,fmck_nstor) real x,y,z position of fate point (FMCFTE)
Block: FMCKIN3
Fmvtx_nstor integer number of vertices stored in ntuple
Fmvtx_id(fmvtx_nstor) integer ID (FMCVtx)
Fmvtx_r(3,fmvtx_nstor) real x,y,z position of vertex (FMCVtx)
Fmvtx_time(fmvtx_nstor) real production time (FMCVtx)
Fmvtx_prby(fmvtx_nstor) integer produced by (FMCVtx)
Nhjets integer number of jets in MCHJETS block
Pxhjet(nhjets) real x momentum of massless hadron jet
Pyhjet(nhjets) real y momentum of massless hadron jet
Pzhjet(nhjets) real z momentum of massless hadron jet
Ehjet(nhjets) real energy of massless hadron jet
Nhmjets integer number of jets in MCHMJETS block
Pxhmjet(nhmjets) real x momentum of massive hadron jet
Pyhmjet(nhmjets) real y momentum of massive hadron jet
Pzhmjet(nhmjets) real z momentum of massive hadron jet
Ehmjet(nhmjets) real energy of massive hadron jet
Nhbjets integer number of jets in MCHBJETS block
Pxhbjet(nhbjets) real x momentum of massless hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Pyhbjet(nhbjets) real y momentum of massless hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Pzhbjet(nhbjets) real z momentum of massless hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Ehbjet(nhbjets) real energy of massless hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Flhbjet(nhbjets) integer particle flag of massless hadron jet with stable B/C hadrons
Nphbjet(nhbjets) integer number of particles (stable hadrons) within hadron jet
Phbjet(512,nhbjets) integer FMCKin IDs of all stable hadrons within hadron jet
Nhbmjets integer number of jets in MCHBMJ block
Pxhbmjet(nhbmjets) real x momentum of massive hadron jet with stable B/C hadrons
Pyhbmjet(nhbmjets) real y momentum of massive hadron jet with stable B/C hadrons
Pzhbmjet(nhbmjets) real z momentum of massive hadron jet with stable B/C hadrons
Ehbmjet(nhbmjets) real energy of massive hadron jet with stable B/C hadrons
Flhbmjet(nhbmjets) integer particle flag of massive hadron jet with stable B/C hadrons
Nphbmjet(nhbmjets) integer number of particles (stable hadrons) within hadron jet
Phbmjet(512,nhbmjets) integer FMCKin IDs of all stable hadrons within hadron jet
Npjets integer number of jets in MCPJETS block
Pxpjet(npjets) real x momentum of massless parton jet
Pypjet(npjets) real y momentum of massless parton jet
Pzpjet(npjets) real z momentum of massless parton jet
Epjet(npjets) real energy of massless parton jet
Npmjets integer number of jets in MCPMJETS block
Pxpmjet(npmjets) real x momentum of massive parton jet
Pypmjet(npmjets) real y momentum of massive parton jet
Pzpmjet(npmjets) real z momentum of massive parton jet
Epmjet(npmjets) real energy of massive parton jet
Nbrhjets integer number of jets in MCBRHJ block
Pxbrhjet(nbrhjets) real x momentum of massless hadron jet
Pybrhjet(nbrhjets) real y momentum of massless hadron jet
Pzbrhjet(nbrhjets) real z momentum of massless hadron jet
Ebrhjet(nbrhjets) real energy of massless hadron jet
Nbrhmjets integer number of jets in MCBRHMJ block
Pxbrhmjet(nbrhmjets) real x momentum of massive hadron jet
Pybrhmjet(nbrhmjets) real y momentum of massive hadron jet
Pzbrhmjet(nbrhmjets) real z momentum of massive hadron jet
Ebrhmjet(nbrhmjets) real energy of massive hadron jet
Nbrhbjets integer number of jets in MCBRHBJ block
Pxbrhbjet(nbrhbjets) real x momentum of massless hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Pybrhbjet(nbrhbjets) real y momentum of massless hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Pzbrhbjet(nbrhbjets) real z momentum of massless hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Ebrhbjet(nbrhbjets) real energy of massless hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Nbrhbmjets integer number of jets in MCBRHBMJ block
Pxbrhbmjet(nbrhbmjets) real x momentum of massive hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Pybrhbmjet(nbrhbmjets) real y momentum of massive hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Pzbrhbmjet(nbrhbmjets) real z momentum of massive hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Ebrhbmjet(nbrhbmjets) real energy of massive hadron jet with stable B hadrons
Nbrpjets integer number of jets in MCBRPJ block
Pxbrpjet(nbrpjets) real x momentum of massless parton jet
Pybrpjet(nbrpjets) real y momentum of massless parton jet
Pzbrpjet(nbrpjets) real z momentum of massless parton jet
Ebrpjet(nbrpjets) real energy of massless parton jet
Nbrpmjets integer number of jets in MCBRPMJ block
Pxbrpmjet(nbrpmjets) real x momentum of massive parton jet
Pybrpmjet(nbrpmjets) real y momentum of massive parton jet
Pzbrpmjet(nbrpmjets) real z momentum of massive parton jet
Ebrpmjet(nbrpmjets) real energy of massive parton jet
Nppart integer number of partons
Idpart(nppart) integer fmckin_fmcprt of parton (parton type)
Ppart(4,nPpart) real parton four-momentum
Bospx real exchanged photon px
Bospy real exchanged photon py
Bospz real exchanged photon pz
Bosene real exchanged photon energy
Nfmckin integer Number of hadrnos in FMCkin
Idfmckin(NFMCkin) integer fmckin_fmcprt of hadron (hadron type)
Ppfmckin(4,NFMCkin) real hadron four-momentum copied from FMCkin
Uvfall_ncand integer N of candidates = Sincand + Emncand (Max 6)
Uvfall_charge(uvfall_ncand) integer Input: Charge
Uvfall_siraem(uvfall_ncand) integer 1 = Sinistra, 2 = EM
Uvfall_candid(uvfall_ncand) integer Sira/EM ID of the candidate
Uvfall_result(uvfall_ncand) integer = 1 if the road satisfies the requirements of hit fraction
Uvfall_nmvd(uvfall_ncand) integer N of ladders (inner/outer) overlapped by the road
Uvfall_nmvdhit(uvfall_ncand) integer N of ladders (inner/outer) with hits (overlapped by the road)
Uvfall_nctd(uvfall_ncand) integer N of layers overlapped by the road
Uvfall_nctdhit(uvfall_ncand) integer N of layers with hits (overlapped by the road)
Block: fl_tlt
Tlt_spp15 integer spp15 TLT: 1 - passed, 0 - not passed
Tlt_spp16 integer spp16 TLT: 1 - passed, 0 - not passed
Tlt_spp11 integer spp11 TLT: 1 - passed, 0 - not passed
Tlt_spp15lq2 integer spp15 TLT for low Q2 configuration:
1 - passed, 0 - not passed, -1 - not defined
!!! Use this only for HER data taken at the end of running with LER triggers !!!
Tlt_spp16lq2 integer spp16 TLT for low Q2 configuration:
1 - passed, 0 - not passed, -1 - not defined
!!! Use this only for HER data taken at the end of running with LER triggers !!!

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